1. Adventures
Last weekend was absolutely amazing. Almost-summer temperatures, beautiful sunny days... the kind of conditions that beg for as much time as possible in the open air. So on Friday, Juniper and I, along with four other moms and baby pairs, took to the woods for a hike around Withrod lake. Here we are, before setting off:
(in order, l-r: Sairah and Jolene, Tawnya and Calla, Kerry and Patrick, Angela and Finley, and me and Juniper):
The hike was absolutely fabulous, despite the fact that we completely missed the trail at the beginning, and then lost it again somewhere in the middle, which meant some relatively serious bushwhacking with babies strapped to us. But it was all good.

When we stopped for a snack and a rest, Juniper was completely enthralled with the dirt and twigs - every time I turned my head, she was busy trying to stuff them in her mouth (ie, in the picture above). Even when I gave her snacks that I had brought, like banana and rice cake, she seemed to prefer them after they had rolled around a bit in the dirt. Ah well. Builds the immune system, right?

Later in the week, though the weather wasn't quite as nice, we still had loads of fun - in particular, the four original breast-feeding support moms and babes (all of whom have kids almost exactly the same age), were able to meet for a get-together at Kerry's.
(l-r back: Toni and Isabella; Me and Juniper l-r front: Tawnya and Calla; Kerry and Patrick):
It is so much fun to see the kids playing together at this age - not only is everyone particularly cute, they are also so interested in each other, and exploring, and they are developing such unique, strong personalities. This is my favourite shot of them, for any number of reasons:
As I said when I posted it on facebook: "I love this picture of the four kids. Patrick is like "awwww, yeah. These are my ladies". Calla is obviously about to lick Isabella's face, and Isabella is a little nervous about it. Juniper, oblivious to all this, is trying to figure out how long she has to sit there before she can get into something she shouldn't be getting into."
2. New skills!
So, as I mentioned, Juniper seems to be developing and honing new skills at light speed. She is very mobile now, crawling when she chooses to (although rolling is still a viable option). She has also mastered getting from lying down to sitting, using an improvised downward dog (obviously learned from observing at all the mom and babes yoga) :) Here is a video of both these new accomplishments:
Oh - here is a video that I forgot to post last time - I caught Juniper's penchant for removing her own diapers. I've learned to only give her the opportunity when it is supervised, because obviously the temptation is irresistible!
And finally, Juniper is making leaps and bounds in the world of food. In the last two weeks, for instance, she suddenly decided that she not only knew how to operate a sippy cup by herself, she could could also hold her own glass. This whole glass thing took a bit of practice, as you'll see, but she is now quite a pro.
We have been trying to introduce new foods as much as we can, as she has been growing tired of some tried and true favourites. And when Juniper decides she doesn't want to eat something, she has also developed lightning quick abilities to toss it on the floor. She has gotten very good, however, at knowing what she can manage to "chew" and swallow, ("chew" is a relative term, as she has yet to break any teeth) and what is simply too big and needs to be spit out. She has also gotten good at separating and spitting out the peels of things like apple and prunes and pears when they are difficult to swallow. Most recently, she has started being able to pick up small things pincer-style and get them to her mouth. Here is a new favourite: peas. Oh, the joys of peas. They obviously go right from mouth to stomach whole, as they have been showing up that way on the other side :) Although she experiments with picking up single peas and delicately moving them to her mouth, she mostly just likes stuffing them in with abandon:
And finally, I'll leave you with a shot of Juniper after one particularly fun meal, of which she managed to get a bit of everything on her face (unfortunately, the bit of pea that was stuck under her nose dislodged just before the photo was taken). The real beauty of this shot is her face, hands and arms, died bright purple from her first encounter with blueberries. She LOVED them, but seemed to get just as much enjoyment from rubbing the leftover juices all over her face, her neck, and into her hair as she did from eating them. Luckily, it was Clark who took care of the bath that night.