Monday, February 27, 2017

The calm after the storm

Unsurprisingly, I couldn't convince Linden to put down the stick - not even for one nice photo
As I look out the window this morning at the brilliant sun and quickly melting snow, it is almost difficult to remember the ridiculousness of the last couple of weeks.  For example, a little snippet from the height of blizzard day that I neglected to post last time:

This is, I suppose, what coastal places like Halifax do best: extreme fluctuations in weather. The key, of course, is to take advantage of whatever is currently on offer.  Crazy blizzard?  Do crazy blizzard activities!  Gorgeous spring-like weekend?  Perhaps do some of the following:

1. Let mom sleep in (!), and then go to the library.  When I finally roused myself and walked down to meet everyone, no one even really acknowledged my presence: 

Juniper didn't even look up
The boys were also both busy
2. Have some friends over for brunch!
Linden helps me make fresh bagels
The kids had their own room to eat, and then happily kept themselves amused downstairs.  What is better than that? 
 3. Get out on a nice, warm, slushy hike.  Everyone was clearly in dire need of woods romp - afterwards, Linden sighed happily and said "that was such a good hike.  Let's do it again tomorrow!"  When I reminded him that he had school, he quickly began figuring out some after-school logistics and possibilities.

After some point near the beginning, I stopped warning them to not get completely sodden.
Exploring the crazy ice cracks
Juniper, of course, also brought her camera along.
Tree shot!
Some of the only photos of me and Clark these days are taken by Juniper.
Such joy in running up a hill, and then running down again!
Making plans and chatting closely, with a pretty spectacular backdrop
Just for fun: the McKay bridge, encased in fog
And that is it for this week!  I have, however, one last treat: is back with a new video! You can watch it here, or visit their website!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Backyard, mid-blizzard
Whew.  I know - it is not Monday today, but honest to goodness, this is the first time I feel like I've caught my breath in over 2 weeks. (Did you know that between sickness, storm days, and strike, Juniper has been to school only twice in the last two weeks?  TWICE).  Besides, yesterday was a holiday (thus the kids were off school, AGAIN), AND my parents were visiting.  Seeing as the groceries stores didn't even open, I felt justified taking a wee respite myself.

And so - today's post is devoted to all the craziness that happened during and in between storms last week (which can be aptly summed up as shovelling and partying). Pretty typical February, really.

Valentines Day:  Though we were storm-stayed on Valentines day itself, that just gave the kids extra time to work on their class cards.  They both really got into it this year - Linden was so proud of his that he ran out and showed us after creating every single one:

One of his "most special" designs 
The entire collection
Juniper cut out her hearts from the same fabric I used to make her nightgown.  She was thrilled.
A storm-Valentines day means the time to make heart-shaped pancakes for breakfast!
Snow, snow, and more snow: Linden's whining about not having enough snow in Halifax finally got through to the weather gods.  This past week was blizzard-palooza.  We were hit very thoroughly on both Monday and Wednesday/Thursday.  It is, therefore, suddenly and thoroughly winter here.  And you know what?  I'm really not complaining. I like to have at least a good span of true, snowy wintery conditions this time of year.  Plus, Clark was home, we miraculously never lost power, and our awesome neighbour bailed us out twice with his snowblower. 

A very serious pose from "snow-clearing-man"
Juniper plays in our mandatory blizzard qhinzee
Snowshoeing to the park...
... and being goofy at the same time
Some backyard drifts were taller than me!
VERY red cheeks post-snow play

Ain't no party like a Lunenburg Party: This past weekend was both Zsofi's birthday AND my sister Faye's birthday.  Sadly, there was no chance of celebrating with Faye, as she is currently in Nigeria. Zsofi, on the other hand, rose to the occasion by hosting us for a two-party-sleepover-bonanza. 

Four families + a Thai-themed potluck = pure goodness
And let's not forget Will's masterful 3-layered chocolate/peanut butter cake

Park time the next morning...
... and the lengths Clark went to in order to elicit such genuine smiles!

Then, party #2 (with Will's extended family), and cake #2.  Luckily there were many willing kids to help blow out candles.

And finally, though I was not clever enough to take a shot before we left, luckily Zsofi thought to snap this the next day: here she is in her brand-new birthday cowl!  I did the knitting; Clark made the toggles.  It looks quite lovely on her, if i do say so myself.
No prettier model for a handmade knit!
Alright - the sun is shining, the house is empty and quiet, and I need to finally get myself out for a walk.  Deep breaths of fresh air and some head-space can do wonders for a person's soul.  See you next week!

Monday, February 13, 2017

Blizzard Greetings

Planting some of their very own spider plants

Happy blizzard day to all my East Coast friends!  For those not currently being blasted by ridiculous amounts of snow and wind, let me assure you that this is one doozy of a storm we are watching unfold.  It is big enough that closures started rolling in yesterday, in anticipation of all the ridiculousness: schools, all metro transportation services, malls, libraries.... this is February at its finest, let me assure you. Speaking of which, let me take you on a little recap of my solo parenting week, shall I? 

Finishing touches .  Juniper SWEARS she won't kill this plant, but her track record is against her
So, when I left you all last time, Clark was en route to a week in Victoria, and Juniper opted to stay home from school, as she wasn't feeling well.  In what can only be described as poetic timing, Juniper waited to vomit until just as Clark was boarding his first flight.  Yup - my worst parenting scenario, unfolding with beautiful precision.  So. As I'm sure no one wants all the details, suffice it to say that Juniper was home from school Monday and Tuesday.

Linden, with the finishing touches.
Wednesday morning, she bounded in to the room, and happily announced that she was all better, and couldn't wait to go to school.  School was, however, cancelled.  By mid morning, we were all completely stir crazy - it was miserable freezing-rainy weather, Juniper and I had both been cooped up for two days straight, and emotions were running high.  I might have, at one point, informed both children (with wild, crazy-looking eyes) that I was feeling mentally unstable, and that they had BETTER NOT PUSH IT.  We made it through the day, barely.

The new and improved Discovery Centre opened this weekend!!!
Thursday, the kids went to school.  I madly ran errands, in preparation for... you guessed it!  Storm day #2!  Friday was YET ANOTHER storm day.  But I was all over it this time.  Clark was coming home that night, and if I had one more day, I was going to do it right this time.  I took it on like a champ.  I shovelled our our entire driveway, had activities and events for the kids (thus the spider plant pictures, for example).  I even finished it all off by making a wild purchase, and downloading all the Harry Potter movies, deciding to let them start watching the first one.

More Discovery Centre - activities galore!
 I was feeling pretty good about the whole thing, really... Clark was en route, everyone had had a good day, Harry Potter was enthralling us all.  And then... my stomach started to hurt. I went to lie down, and realized that this day was not going to end well, after all. I let the movie end, weakly told the kids that they would have to put themselves to bed, and then waited for the inevitable.  I basically turned out their lights, said goodnight, and ran to the bathroom.  In order to finish things off as poetically as they began, this all happened just as Clark was boarding his flight back to Halifax.

This museum is clearly going to be our new favourite place!
I shall not rant - I've gotten that mostly out of my system at this point. But can I just mention quickly here that having a week-long meeting on the opposite coast at this time of year is straight up foolish?  Even Victoria got hit with heaps of snow!  Cancellations here there and everywhere, storms galore, missed flights, and sickness all over the place.  I am not a fan of long stints of solo parenting anyway, but in the height of winter?  Come on!  This was, I believe, the worst possible week to have had this particular challenge.  And though we have now emerged on the other side, I cannot say that I am am stronger for it.  Just weak and queasy and disgruntled.

Clark took the kids out for their first x-country ski of the season yesterday - they loved it!  Though Linden has outgrown the toddler skis, to be sure.
And finally - remember that mysterious package I picked up from Houlton last weekend? It was... wait for it... MY VERY OWN WHEEL!

Oh, the sweet joy of being able to throw again!!!
Between graduation gifts and Christmas and birthday, I had enough to buy myself a brand new pottery wheel. It is very cheap as far as wheels go (it is a portable one, actually), but good quality, and totally suitable for my needs at the moment.  I don't have a studio space, I have no kiln (thus figuring out how to fire my pieces is a problem I'm going to need to solve sooner rather than later), but for now, this is pure bliss. It was, at the very least, a nice treat at the end of a not-very-nice week.

OK - that is all I can manage at this point.  I should post this before (if( we lose power at some point. Stay safe, storm friends! Enjoy it if you can!

Monday, February 6, 2017

The inevitable...

Linden's first ever climbing adventure! (spotted by Will)
I will keep this post short this morning - Juniper is currently reading in bed, with an upset tummy.  She may or may not actually be sick, but I am not interested in chancing a repeat of the time she threw up all over herself at school.  Plus, Linden had a good dose of stomach bug last week, so... probability for real sickness is unfortunately high. Such is life at this stage of the game, I suppose.  (Do you notice how philosophical and nonchalant I sound?  Not bad for a woman who has an irrational fear of all things vomit-related, and a husband who is about to fly to BC for the week).

The morning after puking for an entire night, Linden still felt honour-bound to shovel the driveway...
... but didn't last very long.
 The two big events this past week (other than sickness), were that:
1. Juniper got new glasses!
This isn't a great picture, but here are the new specs!
 2. I went on a solo trip to Fredericton for the weekend!  It was all very surreal.  The impetus for going was that Theatre UNB (under Len Falkenstein) was putting on a play called Better Living, which is a prequel to the one that I performed in during my undergraduate senior drama class (Escape From Happiness).  I couldn't resist!  I was sooooooo glad I went.  The only truly shocking aspect was when I read the director's notes, and realized that we had staged the play SEVENTEEN years ago.  That hardly seems possible.  It made me very, very nostalgic, and sad that I had to leave that part of myself behind so long ago. Maybe it will come back at some point?  It's always possible.  Also, I got the chance to nip on over to Houlton, Maine, where I picked up a package I had had shipped there a few weeks ago.  What could it possibly be, you ask? Stay tuned, and I'll post pictures once it's all set up next week.

View from one of my favourite Fredericton walks
 Meanwhile, Clark and the kids made out marvelously without me (and without a car, for that matter!)  Highlights included joining Will and the girls for some climbing fun, spending some time at the beautiful Halifax Library, and getting to briefly hang out with Deb and Yvon (Clark's mom and Stepdad, who were up for the weekend).

Hanging with Sylvie and Eva between climbs
Making "welcome home" cards for me at Starbucks
And now to play the waiting game with Juniper, to see if this materializes into full-fledged flu or not.  Likely there will be videos involved.  Wish me luck!