It occurred to me today, as I was luxuriously given a bit of extra time to myself, that it has been way too long since I last posted. Much has happened in the last couple of months, perhaps the most exciting of which is that Juniper has started going to preschool two mornings a week. She loves it! It has also led to some pretty awesome playdates outside of the play centre with some new-found friends. I'll have to blog more about that in the near future. For now, here are just a bunch of photos from the last little while.
Trip to Vermont!
Our good friends from Halifax, Toni, John and Isabella, were visiting Toni's mom in Vermont in March. Though Burlington is a good 5 hour drive away, Juniper and I just couldn't pass up the opportunity for a whirlwind playdate. So we threw some things in a suitcase, drove all morning on a Sunday, then stayed overnight, and drove back the next day after lunch. What a wonderful, impromptu adventure it was! I specifically did NOT forget my camera, but I neglected to check the batteries. It died after one solitary picture. At least it was a cute one!
Juniper and Bella in Burlington |
Out and About
The moon was so amazing that we took an after-supper beach walk one evening |
We met Clark for lunch one day during the week |
Another shot from the lunchtime fun |
On a bike trip in Beebe woods |
The Beach
As you might imagine, the beach is a popular (and therefore frequently recurring) destination around here. It doesn't matter if it is relatively chilly, or a bit too windy - both kids could spend hours just playing. Linden's favourite activity involves rocks: throwing rocks in the water, or finding rocks and getting you to throw them in the water. Juniper enjoys making "sand food", sand castles, and collecting shells and shiny rocks.
Linden and his rocks |
Mostly, however, both kids don't hesitate to head straight for (and in) the water. This used to stress me out, as I would spend the entire time trying to keep them (mostly Linden), from running in and getting shoes and clothes soaked in these cold early spring temperatures. Then, at some point, I realised that it was a much better idea to just roll up their pants, slap on some beach shoes, and bring plenty of extra clothes to change them into when the shivering and teeth chattering begins. Some friends have looked on in relative disbelief at this spectacle (while their own kids stay safely dry), and determined that we must just have some crazy hearty Canadian genes. Perhaps that is true. Soon enough, I'll be more worried about sunburns than chattering teeth - it has started to feel pretty summery as of late!
Juniper, no doubt making "sand food" |
Did you know that Raffi has started touring again? It's true! When we found that out, we discovered when his Boston concert was going to be, and bought tickets. We have never done anything like this before, but just couldn't resist - he was a childhood staple for both me and Clark, and those very same albums have become just as big a part of Juniper and Linden's lives. I have to say, the whole day went much more smoothly than I had anticipated, and both kids seemed to really enjoy the show. Linden only lasted about 25 minutes before he started squirming and making it known that he had some serious stair climbing he had to do instead, but Juniper lasted for the entire show, and is still talking about it. No flash photography was allowed, so I don't have pics of the concert itself, but here is an almost indecipherably dark video, just to prove we were there:
And here are a couple of other pics from the day:
Linden, looking pensive over some delicious Thai food we had for lunch before the show |
Juniper sitting on the disgusting floor of the underground, waiting for the subway |
We had intended for Easter to be a quiet affair this year. We were told by a friend that there is an annual Falmouth "Easter Egg Hunt", which involves thousands and thousands of eggs on the lawn of the town library, all in one roped off area. When one o'clock hits, all the kids rush into this relatively small area and try and stuff as many eggs as they can into their baskets. Apparently, fights often break out between the kids and also between the parents of said kids. We were told it was an event best avoided if at all possible. I couldn't have been more happy to follow this advice.
On the Saturday before Easter, however, we were on a nice family bike ride, and decided to come into town for some lunch. Then - bam! - we unsuspectingly found ourselves right smack dab in the middle of the very event we had been trying to avoid. This was at noon, and the madness was not until 1:00, so Clark and I had whispered conversations over lunch about creative ways to convince Juniper that we should really just go home, but none of them were plausible. The damage was done. Juniper had seen what was to come, and was absolutely bound and determined to be a part of it. Here is a little taste:
One o'clock hits, and the insanity begins:
Juniper's stash. Of course, she had no basket, so made do with her bike helmet. |
Juniper stoically poses with the uber-creepy Easter bunny |
All in all, it wasn't as terrible as it could have been. There was a special section for kids 3 and under, so Juniper didn't have to compete with the crazy older kids. She just plopped down, filled her helmet, and then backed the hell out as quickly as she could. The whole thing lasted maybe 45 seconds.
Linden was clearly tuckered out after the whole affair - we found this when we got home |
Then we did the much tamer Easter at home the next day, complete with a couple of modest easter baskets, and a small but successful easter egg hunt. Juniper's fairy wings and tutu were a big hit.
Settling with their spoils after the morning's excitement |
Day to day
Of course, there is much that happens in between all the excitement:
Playing in the yard |
Clearly, the fairy wings and tutu became a staple of Juniper's wardrobe for some time after Easter |
Juniper picked up my book, snuggled under the blankets, and declared she wanted to read a book "without pictures" to herself for awhile |
Wearing the matching pants I made them. Yes, the pants match the toy shelf curtains I also made (featured in the Easter picture above). And yes, they are standing on the windowsill. What can you do? |
Theresa's friends Natalie and Dan stayed with us for a night when they came to Woods Hole for a conference. They were clearly very obliging and well-loved, even though this was the first we had met them! |
Garden helpers. Check out the hat that Theresa sent down for Linden! |
Starting some tomatoes and peppers. Juniper is clearly a huge help! |
When there are wild flowers on the lawn like this, Juniper calls it a "flower party". Linden is enjoying this particular flower party. |
Juniper, showing off her face painting after "Daffodil Days" festivities at Spohr Gardens |
This is how Linden likes to garden |
Daddy-daughter hangout by the beautiful blooming trees in our yard |
Just reading in a laundry basket |
I finally had a camera to capture this little custom that Juniper and Linden have of holding hands in their carseats. Does that not just melt your heart? |
Mother's Day
We braved the potential rain this morning and took what turned out to be a spectacularly beautiful walk in the woods. Here are some shots:
Juniper leads the way |
Hanging with daddy |
I didn't even instruct him to hug the tree! |
Looking and listening are never enough. This child needs to touch, taste and smell everything as well. |
Linden played in this puddle for an eternity. Then, when I turned my back for a second, he seized the opportunity to lean down and TASTE it as well. He then stood up, smiled, and proclaimed "yucky!" I was relatively certain this would lead to some horrible gastrointestinal malfunction, but so far so good. |
Climbing up the steep hill from the pond we found |
And that about brings us up to date! I promise to work on those videos asap, and I also vow to take the camera to more play dates etc to give a taste of this part of our life as well.