Look! Porters in Canada! |
As I sit in my own house, enjoying the relative quiet of early morning Monday, I feel as though this little family of four just emerged on the other side of a marathon. An August adventure relay-marathon, if you will. Or, perhaps more accurately, we just completed the final act of an epic four-act play: one that was set simultaneously in the far reaches of the country, and culminated in a last hurrah back at home. Juniper blogged last week about the kids' New Brunswick adventure, which I think we can accurately dub Act I. Today, I'll skip ahead, and offer Act IV: "Porters in Canada!" If we can get it together, Clark and I will respectively post acts II and III later this week: ("Vancouver Adventure" and "Arctic Adventure").
Juniper, Helen, Linden and Eli, all grown up |
So, for context: a little over two years ago, we said goodbye to our many dear friends and happy life in Woods Hole (Cape Cod, Massachusetts), to head back to Canada. Before we left, however, I started dropping hints that we would LOVE visitors up north. This summer, some of our best friends took us up on the offer - Kellie, Ben, Helen and Eli made one very epic 3-day road trip from Falmouth, MA, to Dartmouth NS.
All's well in Eli's world, as long as there is a fleet of Hot Wheels at the ready |
It was, in many respects, a huge undertaking: not only was this the first time ever visiting Canada for 3/4 of the Porters (Ben had been when he was a kid), it was also their first family road-tripping vacation. Plus, timing was starting to look hairy - when we had originally planned this adventure, Clark was supposed to have been back from the Arctic for over a week. As it turned out, however, the kids and I made it back to Nova Scotia two days before the Porters arrived, and Clark literally flew in at 11:30pm the night before they got here. Whew!
Two gorgeous girls |
Though they were only here for three nights (two full days), I have to say it was pretty much a perfect visit. It felt like it went by in a flash, I think three nights was just the right of time for the kids (Helen and Eli are almost-7 and 3, respectively) -- especially with all the car travel on either end. The four kids got along famously (which was, of course, not a given - 2+ years is a whole lot of time apart when you're that young), and played happily pretty much the whole time. Juniper and Helen, in particular, were besties almost immediately.
Windy day walk, with books in hand. |
Considering the fact that the Porters (understandably) had no desire to spend any more time in the car than necessary, our adventures were pretty much exclusively in and around Dartmouth and Halifax. The library, the Discovery Centre, the ferry, the waterfront... all the highlights (from our perspective, anyway). Then, when the kids went to bed, the grown-ups got to chat, watch movies, and drink local micro-brews (and in Ben's case, keep careful notes on said beer). It was SUCH a treat. We were incredibly honoured that they actually made the journey -- we've already started cooking up plans for the next adventure! Here are some photos:
Yup. We offer some raucous adventuring. But... seeing as Kellie is a librarian, I think this was right up everyone's alley. Plus, the new Halifax Library is really something to behold. |
Eli honestly had some internal homing mechanism, that led him straight to the truck books. Ben obliged and made his way through them. |
Though it looks as though Ben and Winston Churchill are having a staring contest, this is actually Ben (an avid birder) examining some local pigeons with his ever-present binoculars (while simultaneously piggy-backing Eli). Good thing: Churchill would have won that staring contest, hands down. |
The girls narrowly escape being this T-Rex's lunch-time snack |
Is there anything more exciting than the Bernoulli Effect in action? |
Pilot Juniper |
We just happened to be home one day when our awesome firefighter-neighbour Joe pulled up in a HUGE tactical fire truck. It was of course incredibly exciting, and look what the kids got as souvenirs! |
Waiting for a bus |
The wave photoshoot: Helen and Juniper... |
... Juniper takes her own shot... |
... and I sort of get all 4 kids. Eli is clearly in danger of falling asleep |
Eli's awesome star pants photobomb this shot of Clark and the kids |
Some much anticipated waterfront icecream |
Oh look - the kids were painted into one of Maud Lewis' pieces of art! |
Sketching the ferry, while on the ferry |
Checking out the roiling harbour from behind the safety of the ferry window |
And finally - crazy group shot! Just before the Porters headed back home. |
We miss the Porters like crazy, and wish they lived even just a little bit closer, but we were SO happy that it all worked out. Here's to next time! We love you, Porters!
Stayed tuned for Acts II and III later this week!