Crazy hair, don't care. |
As of yesterday, we are officially three weeks into this whole "life with a newborn" gig. Seems as though it is high time for a blog post, right? As you might imagine, most of these early days have had a new "first" of one sort or another... first outing as a family of five, first bath, first time meeting friends and family... the list goes on and on. And as much as possible, I've been taking pictures as we go.
Clearly I don't get tired of these siblings photos |
As of right now, we are also dealing with an unpleasant first - Hazel's first cold. Three guesses as to who generously bestowed it upon her. (Hint: a six-year-old who, despite being reminded 5 kajillion times a day to not touch every god forsaken surface, to catch his sneezes and coughs, and to wash his hands, still forgets now and again). Anyway, besides that, and the general hazy fog of exhaustion that Clark and I have been muddling through, I have to say things are mostly pretty great. As a personal example, I feel like a brand new person post-pregnancy, and have gotten out for a nice woods walk almost every day, mostly wearing Hazel. You can't imagine how good that feels! I basically just didn't move for the 9 months leading up to that, which isn't good for mind or body.
Out for a walk along the Halifax waterfront. |
Also, though I would have told you that Hazel was a dead ringer for baby Juniper in the first days, I have to say she has morphed nicely into her own little person since then. And what's more, I see a whole lot of Simmonds, which is nice! This could be a direct correlation with the amount of chub she's been putting on... she was 8 lbs 14 oz at birth, 9 lbs 3 oz at her one week check-in, and a whopping 10 lbs 6 oz at her two week check-in. Like, we're talking a whole pound in one week. Magic milk, no doubt!
Plotting something or other in her sleep |
Anyway, on to the large collection of pictures - no one can accuse me of neglecting to take photos of my third child!
Our first walk as a family of five. This was only a few days postpartum, and while it felt amazing, I was sooooo sore afterwards. |
Close up of Hazel in the stroller, chillaxin'. |
All tucked up |
Though we have been figuring things out as just a family of five for awhile now, we got Theresa for almost an entire week after my mom left, which was amazing. She kept the kids entertained (by taking them on adventures, but also by being a drill sergeant and getting them to do a tonne of chores!), and she also got a first-hand preview of early newborn days. She's due in less than a month now, so it was some good hands-on experience!
Always happy to hold Hazel... |
... or walk around with her... |
... or have a little outdoor time. |
Older cousin hanging out on top of (soon to be) younger cousin! |
One of the chores Theresa had them doing: cooking! (as well as vacuuming, mopping, laundry... it was intense!) |
But it wasn't all work, work work... playing boardgames in the sunroom |
One thing we've been trying to do is getting outside as much as possible. This is not as easy as it sounds -- not because Hazel makes it difficult, but rather because of the intense heat and humidity we've been having. We get around it by choosing appropriate times of day, shady locales, and (more often than not) incorporating a swim as well. We are VERY lucky to live within a short walking/biking distance of some very refreshing lakes, and have been taking advantage. Hazel and I haven't been in yet, but maybe one day soon!
Naked in the ring sling |
Checking out the bullfrogs at Point Pleasant Park |
An incredibly cool beetle that Linden befriended. We convinced him to let it go, but Linden still sadly talks about missing it. |
Perhaps our favourite swimming hole: Oathill Lake |
Pure, refreshed happiness |
Linden, having just stubbed his toe after refusing to wear his sandals in the water. |
What Hazel and I do while the others are swimming. We are loving this Boba wrap from Carroll and Steve! |
Look what I found! I felt a little voyeuristic taking a photo, but it was pretty cool! |
It's been so hot and humid, Hazel's been getting a bunch of baths - otherwise it's very difficult to keep up with the goo that accumulates in the creases.
First ever bath. Hazel works her bath pose. |
Subsequent baths - the kids now get to help out if they want. |
Linden's a very keen helper! |
We haven't had a whole lot of visitors yet, and to be honest, I wasn't completely on the ball about taking photos of all the visitors we had. But here are a few!
Will gets some snuggle time... |
... and introduces Hazel to Sylvie and Eva |
Carroll also got some good snuggles |
In the midst of all the Hazel newness, we also threw a grand bash for Juniper's 9th birthday. It would have been very tempting to just quietly have a bit of cake and call it a day, but birthdays are very important at this particular stage - Juniper started talking about hers about 6 months ago. We had it at the house, and it was actually quite fun, though it took a wee bit of prep work. For instance, I made 13 tote bags (out of the leftover canvas from the teepee), as tote bag decorating was one of the major activities. They weren't difficult to make, but man, they took a lot of time when you also have a two-week old to contend with. Then there was the cake - Juniper specifically wanted a homemade ice cream cake, which of course took more forethought and assembly than your run-of-the-mill birthday cake. But in the end it was actually a blessing - it has just been way too hot to think about running the oven for any length of time.
Clark and Linden prep pin-the-tail-on-the-horse |
The cake |
Decorating tote bags |
Trying to pin the tail |
When Hazel woke up momentarily, she became the hit of the party! |
Juniper, sporting her birthday "silky robe" (specifically requested). Also, she's drinking tea from the teapot Linden gifted her. |
Besides a rocking party, there was also a surprise last-minute visit from Bill and Barb (Grandma and Grandpa), who got to meet Hazel for the first time, AND celebrate Juniper. Win-win!
Grandma holds Hazel for our first family dinner out |
Grandpa and Hazel get acquanited |
Group shot! |
And finally, here is a mish-mash of random moments from the last few weeks.
Dad-pro: hanging with Hazel and catching up on the New Yorker |
Juniper and I keep Hazel entertained in the van while Clark runs an errand |
She posed herself for this shot! |
Sporting the beautiful dress made for her by her great-aunt Evelyn |
Juniper wanted me to take a picture of her walking with Hazel - a big priviledge as far as she was concerned |
When your diaper matches your cute little dress, a photoshoot needs to happen |
Two sisters |
Close-up |
Trying to multitask |
Linden has been very keen to harvest the raspberries this year. We've gotten a great haul! |
Juniper and Hazel on Juniper's party day |
Baby smiles! |
Hanging with dad |
Look at those cheeks! |
Little Miss Alert - sometimes she seems so much older than 3 weeks |
Post-bath |
On Juniper's actual birthday, we went on a lovely walk at Hemlock Ravine |
Intrepid explorers |
Clark and the kids create a bow and arrow (while Hazel and I went on a super epic hike) |
Biiiiggggg stretch |
And finally... look who lost his first tooth! |
Phew. That's enough of an update for one post! See you next time!