Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Spring and Summer, 2020

Oathill Lake

This is, I believe, my biggest catch-up blog post of all time.  2020 needs no explanations or excuses... it has been what it has been, and we have trudged through as best as we could, just like everyone else. In all honesty, I feel like we've had it pretty easy in our own little bubble, and I am grateful (daily) that we live where we live, and have the resources we have. 

This is Clark's gorgeous shot, taken from the ferry across the Halifax Harbour

Regardless, there were a good many months that I did not feel at all compelled to chronicle our day-to-day. In part, I suppose, this was because very little about our particular comings and goings seemed even remotely significant in comparison to the madness that was unfolding around us. Also, this house became a whole lot smaller, with much, much less space (mental, emotional, and physical), to devote to things like blogging.

BUT.  Here we are, one week into a return to some new form of normalcy (marked by the two older kids returning to school), and I finally felt inspired to start the process of pulling the last half a year or so into focus. Not to sum it up, really - I'm not even sure I could. But I have curated a whole whack load of photos, and even put together a hodgepodge of video clips.  Like usual, I think they will mostly speak for themselves. 

The annual first day of school shot

So buckle up, if you are here for the long haul - I'm going to head back to where the last blog post ended, which was last February.  Then I'll plough through chronologically, up until where we are now. At the very least, it should be fun to see a time-lapse of the kids growing and changing as the year progresses!


I can honestly barely remember February at this point. Covid-19 was a known entity, but it had not yet impacted our way of life. Hazel was about a year and a half old.

Linden, Hazel and I walk to Sobey's, through the big abandoned parking lot behind our house. Hazel refuses to sit in the wagon, or let anyone else pull it...

... even when we hit this terrain. It was a long journey.

Linden's rosy cheeks and long johns suggest this is post-hockey practice. Hazel clearly charmed him into reading her a book.

Look, Mama, Hazel's glasses!

Blueberry cheeks and a top knot
"Smile, Hazel!"

Some serious sibling art time. Hazel and Linden are very alike in some ways. 

Hazel learns to skate! This was on Oathill Lake.

A beautiful day on frozen Five Island Lake, while visiting friends. Again, Hazel wanted to pull an empty sled, rather than have someone pull her along. 

My genius invention for keeping Hazel in one place, and entertained long enough for me to have a solo shower. It only worked once or twice, but it was pretty sweet while it lasted!


March is when things started to really get weird.  In Nova Scotia, the kids had their scheduled March Break mid-month, and then never ended up returning to school. Clark began working from home. The NS government decided to close all provincial parks, trails, playgrounds, and beaches. We had a tight little bubble that included just the five of us. Grocery trips became a strange and unpleasant task, and happened as infrequently as possible. The one saving grace for me in all this was that, by some lucky bit of luck, the little path around Oathill Lake was left open to the public for walking. I believe this allowed me to keep my sanity over the next couple of months.

Clark and Hazel both do their best Hazel smile.

A socially distanced hike with Will and Sylvie and Eva.  This was just before they shut all the trails down.

It appears as though this is when Hazel became very opinionated about what she wore, and who put it on.

My parents gifted Hazel this Strider as a very, very early birthday present. She was thrilled.

Oathill joy. 


Look at that little hand on Clark's back.

If you're old enough to put on your own winter attire, surely you are also old enough to cook supper.

The kids finally get to try out the Ninja Line their grandparents got them for Christmas.  It's difficult!

This was the moment that they completed the robot project, and got to see if it worked (a Christmas gift from my sister Faye)

Linden tries a Hazel smile.  He's pretty good!


By the time April rolled around, we were in the thick of restrictions, and the daily Covid case tallies reached some of their highest peaks. The kids were trying their best to start doing some online learning (and we were trying their best to help them), and no one was finding it particularly easy or inspiring. Then, on Easter weekend, there was a completely unspeakable mass shooting that happened in our little province. There was also the military helicopter (from a ship deployed out of Halifax), that went down and killed all aboard.  April was a very surreal, difficult month. But, within our little bubble, we tried to keep things as normal and positive as we possibly could.

Sitting on a bench overlooking Oathill Lake on a beautiful, sunny day.

When things got quiet one day, I found this: Juniper reading aloud to Linden in the back yard, while they lounged in the crisp sun and had a snack. 

Three kids piled in the hammock

Hazel helps out with all the fall leaves we had neglected to tidy before the snows came.

Strike a pose!

Ummm... do you get any more glamorous than this?  Of note: this was the phase Hazel went through when she took her rock for a walk instead of any of her various babies and stuffies. 

On an Oathill walk...

... where both kids gave me nice smiles as they lounged by the water.

I would like it known, for the record, that I began baking up a sourdough storm long before the isolation sourdough fads began. This must have been a day when I thought the loaves were particularly pretty.

The great side-garden project begins! Here, Hazel and Linden were sifting for worms. "Naked Worms", as Hazel liked to call them.

Hazel, taking our Easter egg dying project very seriously.

Aren't those colours beautiful?

The finished garland, hung in our living room window

Discovering the spoils, Easter morning

Hazel loved trying to open and close the little plastic eggs...

... and the egg hunt

This was when Hazel started showing a real interest in building towers. Here she is with her biggest smile.

Upping her game, with a very smart move to the coffee table. 

One pandemic bonus: Clark had more time to do things like help Linden make this kick-ass sword and shield.  I wouldn't mess with this guy, would you? (Linden designed and then burned that dragon into the shield all by himself!)

This became a very common sight.

The great side-garden project, stage 2! Clark built two huge new garden boxes...

... with the help of this very capable young supervisor.

One bonus to at-home learning.... it can happen where you want! Plus, you sometimes get some pretty cute helpers.

Drying some homemade pasta on my brand new (Clark-designed and crafted) pasta dryer

It's hard to resist a picture when a toddler plops herself into a laundry basket

I couldn't resist this shot - Linden is still very young in many ways, but he looked so grown up, sitting on the couch in his skinny jeans and bandana and long locks, reading a novel.


By May, everyone was starting to feel a little squirrely.  We had had essentially no human contact for over a month, other than via Zoom or FaceTime. It had become clear at that point that the kids would not be going back to school, which was very upsetting to them.  BUT, on May 1st, the parks and trails were reopened here, which honestly felt like a heavy weight was lifted of my shoulders. Covid cases had dwindled to very few new ones a day (compared to April), and we were allowed to bubble with another family, which felt luxurious. Of note in our little family was that Linden underwent some surgery that had originally been scheduled for March, but then postponed when all of the non-emergency surgeries stopped for a month and a half. He had a week of laying low, and was a champ about the whole thing.

This canoe was a very nice thing to have during social distancing

First order of business when the trails and parks reopened: a family bike ride to Shubie Park (we brought Hazel's Strider along so she could solo ride when we got there, but she spent most of the time in the bike trailer)

Snack break!


Linden waits for surgery, very pleased to have free rein on the iPad

Post surgery... and they had his favourite popsicle flavour 

Hazel dutifully kept Linden company while he recovered at home

After discovering the joys of paddling, Hazel (honest to goodness) went up to Clark, and asked him to make her her own paddle. With an owl on it. Clark, paddle-making genius that he is, was happy to comply.

She was VERY pleased. As you'll see further on, she uses it ALL the time.

Sibling art day

More side yard work! Linden helps dig out the hill for a little retaining wall and concrete steps. 

Hazel, sporting the colour-changing hat hand-made by her Grandma

Another family biking adventure, this time along the Salt Marsh Trail. The bugs forced us to go at a nice, fast pace!

Hazel helps me with my little project - planting an apple tree that I started from seed, and then ringing it with rocks and forget-me-nots. She's a very willing garden helper.

The day that Juniper and I went tie-dye crazy. My hands were stained for over a week afterwards.

Hazel's preferred potty location, for obvious reasons

Yet another push vehicle that Hazel refuses to ride in

We bought a large pile of garden soil for our new garden boxes, which stayed in the driveway until we had hauled it all where it was going. Linden thought that was about the greatest thing ever

Hazel is good at charming her siblings into reading to her

Hazel teaches Julie the game she made up, which involves kidney beans and an old egg carton

Linden show Hazel how to construct cool Lego things. She actually really enjoys Lego as well

Art buddies

Both kids, with computers and headphones, listening to music and sorting laundry

She likes to empty ALL of her toys, all at once, into a ring around her. Plus side: it keeps her happily busy for a good long time.

Very pleased that we set her up at her own little craft table

Making lists. Just like her mama and her big sister

Books and snacks

June/Early July

June felt like a real shift. Early on in the month, "school" officially ended, meaning the kids no longer had to worry about keeping up with their online learning.  We were finally allowed to hang out with people other than those in our direct bubble. Covid cases were very low in all the Atlantic Provinces, and there was talk about creating an Atlantic Bubble, which sparked a very large amount of excitement around here at the possibility of visiting family this summer. Clark and Linden went on a two-night canoe camping trip, and were Joined by Will for the second half. Not pictured here is the aftermath of some minor foot surgery that Clark underwent, which he followed up the next day by power drilling a hole into his finger, going into shock, and then having what we think was an extreme reaction to the ensuing tetanus shot. That was a wild week. 

The canoe camping trip, at Blue Mountain Birch Cove:

All loaded up, after having portaged a little less than a kilometre to get to the lake

Fishing at their chosen camp spot, on the first afternoon

Panoramic shot of their campsite

Will joins the crew!

All the rest

Hazel and Ruby were both happy to finally be able to hold hands and sit side by side, blowing bubbles.

Out for a paddle around Oathill

See? Hazel takes her trusty paddle everywhere

Hazel is still just the right size for her little rainbow pool

Swinging on the big kids swing

Sometimes Hazel will sneak quietly away, and you'll suddenly hear the drums burst to life.

Bubbles became one of Hazel's very favourite things this summer

Examining rocks and ladybugs and small little flowers that grown in the pavement cracks. Every walk is a slow amble with Hazel

I'm not sure how I elicited a real smile, but I'll take it!

Father's Day!

Look at that arm slung casually over Linden's shoulder

We get to hang with the Koller Martins! The dress up clothes are always in full force when Eva and Sylvie come to visit

Reading time. It always kills me to see Hazel grab a book and go join the gang.

Linden offers some swordplay instruction

Hazel is a quick study

Hazel's Birthday!

I'm breaking my monthly dividers here for a moment, because July became a bit too much to lump together. First, normal July stuff (which I tagged on to June), then it was Hazel's second birthday, then a trip to New Brunswick. So, without further ado:

Fresh strawberries for breakfast

I dressed Hazel up, and attempted a little birthday photo shoot. I took a whole lot of photos, and only go a few...

...some of which included her favourite dolly, Lily.

I got one real look-at-the-camera smile!

Having a little whimsical lay-down

When she decided the photo shoot was over. But as a bonus, you can see my rhubarb stones, and one of the boxes planted!

Close-up on the birthday girl, later in the day

Pretty delighted with her new headphones and her play mat...

... and her bubble machine from the Triffs

This was the 30 second window wherein Hazel acquiesced to wear her birthday crown

The traditional 2nd birthday Caterpillar Cake. Note how Hazel wasted no time in crabbing some candy and popping it in her mouth before we even got a chance to cut pieces.

Pretty pleased with herself

New Brunswick Part 1: The Farm

When it became clear that the Atlantic Bubble was going forward, we started making plans immediately  to organize a two-week visit to New Brunswick. Even though the bubble opened on July 3rd, we decided to wait until after Hazel's birthday (July 10th) to make the trip.  We figured that would give us enough time to let the crazy long border line ups die down a bit, but ensure that we managed to take advantage of the bubble before things potentially shut down again. Even as it was, we got stuck for over an hour trying to cross between Nova Scotia and New Brunswick (during which time, there were loads of delightful shenanigans, such as Hazel deciding to scream instead of nap, and Juniper having an emergency pee in Hazel's portable potty while we slowly crept along in the van, mooning the people behind us in the process). But in the end we made it!

Hazel's first order of business: getting in the canoe, and exploring along the Saint John River. We brought her paddle, of course.

They found a (multi-stage) beaver dam in the creek

Oh, and Linden caught a whole bunch of fish off the floating dock.  No biggie.

Clark teaches Hazel how to embrace her rural New Brunswick roots

No swimsuit? No problem!

For anyone who remembers last year's Woody The Bear debacle, you'll be pleased to know they were the best of friends this year. 

Woody got hugs and kisses pretty much every time Hazel entered or left the house.

Mandatory top of the woodpile shot

We brought Hazel's bike and helmet, too. She really loves going for rides

Sunroom silliness

Juniper and Linden constructed another kiln this year on the beach

Eating a rice cake, looking like a teenager

Clark and Linden, heading back from another fishing trip

This was usually at least a twice-daily occurrence...

... and any time Clark would say it was time to come in, Hazel would cry until they turned around agin for one more pass.

The kids were pumped that they got to do some haying, even though the weather never quite cooperated for their favourite part (collecting the bales).

Things get a little.... messy when we come to visit

Linden and I harvested some gold thread on a woods walk. I'm not very good at selfies.

Out for a walk

Two out three smiling faces isn't bad!

Close-up cutie

Pretty happy to hang with Grandpa

Linden hanging from the Linden

And then Hazel has to do whatever her big brother does

I know there are a lot of Hazel in the canoe shots...

... but I had to work with my subject matter

I offered to do a little photoshoot with Juniper...

...what with her looking so pretty, and it being so close to her birthday


Hazel was particularly fond of grandma time

Another woodpile shot. You can't get enough of a good thing, apparently

When you're at the farm, you get things like ice cream cones for dessert

As it so happened, Eddy and Beckie (and Merrick and Elsie) were visiting Anne at the same time as we were at the farm! 

Even though we don't get to see them very often, these (second?) cousins always pick up where they left off. Especially Merrick and Linden, who are very close in both age and disposition.

Later that day, we had a campfire...

... which we took into the night...

... despite these amazing (foreboding) clouds at dusk.

The four kids, drying off in the garage after the rain cut the campfire a bit short.  It was pretty fun!

Naturally, we had a little happy birthday celebration for Hazel while we were there.  She's going to start getting used to three or four birthday celebrations every summer, just like Juniper!

Playing with her new birthday school bus

Heading down to the beach...

... being trailed by a little shadow

Bucket and a shovel and rock

Juniper and Linden light their kiln

Hazel got Grandma to read her this tiny little Robert Munsch book through twice... 

... and then gave a solo, surprisingly accurate performance of her own

One of Hazel's favourite things: convincing doting grandparents to let her flip through photos on their phone

Grandpa made each one their own walking stick

Trying them out

By the crab apple trees

New Brunswick, Part 2: Fredericton

After a week at the farm, we packed up and headed off to my parent's house in Fredericton. It was that lovely, unique mix of busy and relaxed, and involved a bunch of afternoon swims, seeing family, meals on the deck, walks, and there was even a night where Clark and I snuck out after the kids were asleep to see if we could spot the comet. (We did see it, though it was a bit of a tiny blur, and the mosquitos made the adventure much shorter than we anticipated.  But it was still a treat!)

Saying goodbye to the beloved broccoli tree in Odell

We can never resist a photo shoot in this hollowed out stump

Aunt Liz comes to visit!

She is quickly accosted by Linden, who is getting her to complete one of the many many mazes he created that trip

Mary and Hazel have a heart to heart about one thing or another

Hanging with Liz and Pat...

... and Deb and Yvon

It was prime raspberry picking in my parent's back yard

Hazel got pretty good at it!  But honestly, it was Linden who would go down and fill containers with my dad

With Kelli and Ali, at the quadruple birthday party (Hazel, Jamie, Ethan and Juniper)

Hazel shows Bob a few iPhone tricks

Getting to hang out with their cool older cousins

Sawyer's always good for a laugh and a half

But look - I got them all to stop and smile

Group shot

Tomfoolery with Jamie, Sawyer and a walking stick

Hazel some really nice quiet time with Chelsea

Best buds

Is it really summer until we've been to Yoho?

We brought the SUP, which got some good use 

Case in point

Post-swim supper

Zack was incredibly sweet with Hazel...

... and clearly she thought he was pretty cool!

Erin goes in for some beach play...

... and the elusive snuggles when Hazel finally realized she was cold

Juniper and Linden sign the guest book

The mandatory yoho swing shot. They're getting so old!

Back for a ladies-only evening, which was soooo lovely

Ahhhhh.... sunset lodge

Actually swimming into the sunset

Dinner at Kelli and Jamie's the night before we go back home

Hazel is unimpressed , but everyone else seems cool with me posing them for this shot

Hazel thought Ali was the bee's knees

Look at that smile!

Why sit on the toilet when you can enjoy the fresh air?

The sun-dappled good-bye crew right before we got in the van

Back at home: July/August

Like usual, our New Brunswick adventures were a whirlwind of activity and visiting. Coming home gave us a chance to do things like celebrate Juniper's 11th birthday, rekindle our family Sunday hikes, and do all the physical and mental prep needed to think about returning to school. Plus it gave Clark and the older two a chance to take a pretty amazing-sounding two night hiking/camping adventure around Five Islands and Economy. The whole time they were away, Hazel kept saying to me, "Hazel sleep in a tent, soon?" She definitely is planning on being included on the next adventure.

Ruby pushes Hazel on the swing.  I hope these two keep being besties as they grow up

Clark and the kids at the the demonstration to call an inquiry into the mass shooting event

Hazel takes care of Baby's diaper change

The side yard work is never done

Juniper is officially 11!

We invited Ruth and the kids over for a birthday pizza/movie afternoon.

Look at these sweethearts! Ruby, Zoë and Linden

Liam give Juniper her gift

Hazel never keeps a mask on for long, but always wants to be included in the mask wearing. Here she is at an eye appointment at the IWK

Hazel tends to the tiny maple saplings that Juniper and Linden decided to plant in little containers

Out for a stroll along Oathill

My first sunflower of the season, ready to unfurl

All decked out for some serious adventuring...

... paddling along the Shubie Canal

Sisters on a rainy day stroll

This is when Hazel discovered that the boogie board is like her very own SUP.  She even tried diligently to paddle standing up

Sometimes when you look in the backyard, this is what you find.  I think this was during our Pirates of The Caribbean marathon

Hazel, keeping it real with way-cool sunglasses, and her baby Lily in a ring sling. 

When Hazel helps with the gardening, she means business. Check out her gardening gloves.

Another family Oathill walk...

... complete with some evening fishing

Hazel tries to manage a book as big as she is

Oh hi. I dumped out every single one of my toys again.  Is that cool?

Hazel and Linden take temporary ownership of this garden box between ripping out what was in it and replanting some greens. They both agree: a box full of dirt is too good to pass up.


The older two love taking off and forging ahead along the rocks

This time Hazel also demanded to walk the boulders on her own.  This slowed things down considerably.

Our favourite snack nook.  The only shade to be found on a sunny day!

Our attempts at a group shot...

... and another, closer up but with less of the majestic backdrop

The beauty of a Crystal Crescent hike is a quick dip in the ocean on the way back.  Hazel thought the water was a little too chilly


This was a two-sword kind of hike

Eschewing the main trail for the much funner, more dangerous steep hill climb

We always bring the kid backpack, but Hazel rarely agrees to be carried

"Hey, Mom!" I look around, and Linden is waiting, posed and ready for me to take a shot on this stump.  I've clearly got them well trained

Three siblings, two swords

Exploring this lovely decomposing stump, from the ground...

... and then from a much more precarious perch up top

Another lovely stump

Mr. Cool


Juniper took point on keeping Hazel safe on this particular adventure

Not an easy task! But Hazel was unusually willing to hold hands

How cute is this?

Backlit group shot!

The adventure girls
Hazel recounts a particularly funny anecdote

Linden, sketching a big rock, for which he was trying to capture the interesting perspective and three-dimensional depth of field

Hazel, wanting to do whatever Linden is doing

Juniper and the lighthouse...

... Hazel and the lighthouse...

... and all three kids with the lighthouse, just for good measure


Getting started. We retraced the path Linden and Clark portaged down to the lake when they went on their camping adventure

This was right before Little Miss Independent tripped and scraped her knees.  She then begrudgingly agreed to go in the backpack until we reached the lake

At the lake, with a snack. Scraped knees forgotten.

Boys on a log

(I asked Clark to curate and caption these photos, as I sadly had nothing to do with this particular adventure)

I (Clark) decided that we should take advantage of the Atlantic bubble to do a little bit of camping and hiking close to home. Last year the older kids and I (and Faye and Derrick) did a two night backcountry trip along the Fundy footpath in NB. This year, because I was on my own, I decided to do a couple nights of car-camping and then some hiking and exploring trips on the side. We chose Five Islands Provincial Park (in fact we camped in the exact site we had a few years ago), and spent an entire day hiking/exploring in and along the Economy river in the Kenomee wilderness area.

Climbing the cliffs of the basalt bluff at Five Islands

Our humble little campsite. It was a "walk in" site, meaning that we were actually nestled in the woods with a fair bit of privacy.

Looking for fossils along the beach at Five Islands

Juniper really took charge when it came to the camp cooking!

Climbing the hill up from the Economy river.

After we'd gone far enough, we turned around to head back to Economy Falls and to eat some lunch.

Classic Juniper, eating lunch and reading. I had to convince her to only bring one book with her. What book is that you might be asking?

Of course -- "The Iliad".

Post-lunch dip in the river above the falls.

Loving life

They're pretty adventurous kids -- it didn't take them long before they were up playing in the waterfall ...

... including hiding behind it.

The river was so low that you could climb all the way up to the main waterfall at Economy falls -- I've never been up there before. There is a beautiful pool for swimming, and it took Linden all of 10s before he was stripped down to swim again (despite the cooling afternoon)

There was even a "cave" where you could get behind the falls.

Wet, tired, and happy headed back to the car.


Hazel got really serious about being the lead garden waterer toward the end of August. She did not appreciate anyone else trying to help

Check out our first ever potato harvest! Yum!

This was taken on a clear night just with our telephoto lens.  Pretty cool, eh?

Hazel can't wait until she's old enough to play the violin for real.  She even occasionally holds the ukulele up to her chin, and tells everyone she's playing violin. 

OK, that is it! I now want to hit publish and go pour myself a big... hmmm... ginger turmeric tea, I think.  I am a wild woman. For anyone who made it through to the end (or just scrolled quickly through to the end, I suppose!), here is a little video recap of the last 6 or 7 months.  It is composed of random day-to-day snippets, which I think are the best video fodder, anyway.