I suppose I should keep this entry short, as I have yet to choose and post a backlog of photos in a new picasa album, which I'll never do if I gab on and on. But I had to at least update the blog after a very busy weekend for little Juniper.
First was a visit from her last set of grandparents - Bill and Barb - as well her great aunt Anne, who also made the trip up. A good time was had by all! Juniper was able to show off her new talent a bit - that is, giving big, genuine smiles to lucky onlookers in response to funny faces or noises or big smiles. Who could ask for more than that?
She also met her friend June (and June's parent's, Tetjana and Jeff) for the first time, which was loads of fun. June in particular (almost 3 years old) was quite tickled by the experience, squealing periodically "it's a baby!", and doing her best to hold Juniper.
Now here it is, Tuesday already - the three of us are off to a breastfeeding clinic that is held every week. We went a couple of weeks ago, but Juniper decided to sleep through the whole thing, so it wasn't quite as useful as it could have been. Of course, she's fast asleep now, but I'm hoping that she'll wake up hungry before 11:30, which is when the clinic is over. Stay tuned - a big photo album will be posted very soon!
Juniper sure lived up to all the nice things we heard about her. A very contented baby. Grampa and Grandma.
I can't wait til I get to make her smile with her eyes open :)
Miss you guys!
Love Liz
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