Well, well. It seems that after a month straight of visitors, I have suddenly become a little too lax with respect to blog updates. But just because there aren't multiple pictures of various people holding Juniper to post, it doesn't mean that there hasn't been loads going on!
Let's itemize, shall we? (makes me feel like I'm being especially organized and productive).
1. BOB
And no, I don't mean my dad. I mean the expensive stroller from Mountain Equipment Co-op that we finally just went ahead and bought. We had been agonizing over this decision for a VERY long time. Like, long before Juniper was born. As you can see from the picture, it is a rugged stroller, meant to be able to handle trails etc. And it is also meant to be a good jogging stroller. AND, it has an attachment, that allows you to attach a car seat, making it infant-friendly.
This all sounds lovely, but then we were given the gorgeous Bebe car (a fancy-dancy stroller) as a hand-me-down from Agi and Josh. Problem solved! We got a wonderful stroller and didn't have to spend all that money. We had Juniper out in it very early on (as you can see from one of our very first blog posts), and she seemed to like lying in the bassinet as we strolled along.
We quickly discovered, however, that while it is a lovely, fancy stroller, it is also somewhat big and heavy. This isn't a big problem if you are strolling around the block, but it came to mean that that's ALL we felt we could use it for. We could only barely fit it in our little car, and there was no way I could handle it by myself. So once Clark started going back to school, I started to feel a little trapped - I couldn't take Juniper anywhere that necessitated strolling.
So... we just bit the bullet, went ahead, and got the Bob. Yes, we're gear heads, and no, we didn't really have the money to spend, but I'm happy to report that we have had it out every single day since we got it, and we all love it. We've explored the trails around Point Pleasant and Hemlock Ravine, we've strolled down to the Hydrostone and around Fort Needham, and I've taken Juniper on adventures by ourselves (like... to the grocery store). It has helped that it has been absolutely freaking gorgeous around here the last couple of weeks - this is my favourite time of year!!
In any event, I think that the Bob will be well worth the money. I'm very excited to take her orienteering with it, and Clark is already envisioning lots of daddy-daughter jogging when she gets old enough.
2. It's official!
This week saw lots of official Juniper-related things happen. For instance, we got her birth certificates in the mail (side note: we ordered two - one "large copy" one, and one "smaller" one so that we could have one to go in a wallet. Turns out they have done away with the different sizes - the only difference is that the "long" one has information about Clark and I as well. Good thing we freaking ordered 2! What a rip-off! Very sneaky and mis-leading). She also now has a SIN card, and I just put both her and Clark on my MUN health coverage (she's booked a massage already :) Just joking.) Maybe all those things aren't especially interesting to anyone else, but I thought there were at least somewhat note-worthy. Sadly, I have no picture to accompany them, so here's just a cute one of Juniper.
3. Six weeks
Today, Juniper is six weeks old. Six weeks!!! This means that we just had our last midwife appointment, which I'm sad about. It also means that she has been going through another growth spurt - ie, she has been hungry way more often (ouch!), and crankier than usual, although I think she's maybe coming out of it now. Her baby acne isn't nearly as bad, although the cradle's cap between her eyebrows has been very angry and scaly as of late. But I've seen an improvement in that in the last couple of days as well. As of yesterday, she is now 11 lbs, 10 ounces! As you can imagine, she's a lovely little chub-ball. She has even outgrown some of her newborn outfits.
Although the steady stream of first-time away-visitors has come to an end, that doesn't mean we haven't had some more new people for little Juniper to meet. Our friends Cristina and Dag came over with their little six-month old daughter, Ida. They only just moved back to Halifax, and so it was the first time we had met Ida as well. It will be wonderful to have another baby close by! They also dropped off some lovely toys and playthings that Ida has outgrown, and Juniper seems to be thoroughly enjoying so far (especially this little vibrating chair).
Our friend Ramzi, who was in Halifax for the week, also managed to stop by yesterday. Juniper was a perfect little lady, and refrained from spitting up on, or otherwise soiling his dapper work clothes (never a given).
Also noteworthy is that my parents decided to make a quick trip up for the weekend - mom especially needed a Juniper fix before they head off for Vancouver this coming week. The timing was good - we got to celebrate my dad's birthday when they were down.
And... that's all for now, folks! Keep checking back!
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