Monday, February 8, 2010

Little socialite (and other updates)

Along with being all grown up and smart and strong and gorgeous, Juniper is also quite the little socialite these days. Mostly, this involves hanging out with her buddies at yoga and whatever other activities where we all get together.

Yoga is, in fact, now becoming one of the rarer group activities, as the kids are at an age where it isn't as easy to cart them around when and wherever we want. I suppose I can only speak for Juniper, but naps are very big these days - I think it's safe to say that no one is willing to wake their child from a nap or sacrifice a nap in order to go to a class... after all, they will just inevitably just be grumpy the whole time if they're tired.

Also, Juniper is now not nearly as happy to just be plopped somewhere to play by herself - she feels that people should be paying attention to her. So with these factors all combined, it is often quite a bit easier to get together in a hang-out social scene. A group of us has been getting together pretty regularly, and besides being fun for the adults, it's also a riot to watch the kids interact. It is only within the last few weeks or so that they have actually started acknowledging each other. Sometimes it's just some exploratory touching (mostly faces), like Patrick and Juniper here:

Other times, things get a little more intimate, like the big series of kisses that Calla figured Juniper needed:

And a lot of times, it involves the sharing and stealing of toys:

Here's a little video montage of some interaction - enjoy!

Of course, Juniper is happy to go to any party, even if her little friends aren't there. Last weekend, for instance, the three of us went to David and Nina's to visit and check out their awesome new house. This was the first time Juniper had ever really got t spend any quality time with them, and they were very fast friends!

On the eating front, Juniper has now tried a large variety of food, but it seems as though her particular favourites are sweet potatoes, apples and avocados. Here she is, just eating lunch with the gang at a Greek Restaurant, when Clark's mom came for a visit this past weekend. She chowed down on cucumber fingers while everyone else ordered souvlakis :)

While it is clear that Juniper manages to get some food down (as evidenced in her more interesting diaper changes), meals are still mostly about experimenting, learning and playing at this point. I've put together a little video montage of all the non-eating activities that also happen... that is, drinking (she hasn't taken to a sippy cup, but LOVES it when you give her some water in a glass), eating everything BUT the food, and banging/mushing the food around. That's all for now!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

And she DOESN't like cilantro (yet)