Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Some daily tidbits

I thought I'd just do a quick little post about nothing in particular - just some day-to-day stuff that's been happening around here.  This opening picture is Juniper doing what she seems to enjoy immensely - that is, kissing.  She loves to kiss.  Me, Clark, strangers, her stuffed animals, and particularly adorable little boys, such as Patrick!

There is much to do in a day, however - one cannot spend all of her time kissing.  For instance, helping with the yard work is one of the chores that she has taken on since reaching the big 1. Clark figured it was about time.  

After work, time to relax...

... or perhaps try and climb into, over, around and through things that you really shouldn't be getting into.

And finally, here is a picture of Juniper's very first goose egg.  Considering all the rather extreme monkeying around she does in a day, this particular accident was relatively innocuous - I wasn't there, but Clark says she was running around with a remote control, and then tripped and fell onto the remote with her forehead.  Random!  Then later that day, we were downtown, and she tripped on the concrete and got a bloody nose.  Poor thing.

Pictures are great, but what's a day-to-day post without a video montage?  Enjoy!


Allison said...

A D O R A B L E !

Even drums get kisses - sad to have missed that stage!

Unknown said...

she's on to something with the yogurt.... I tried it today, and it is WAY more fun than using a spoon!