Linden tries on some dress-up glasses at our wonderful Sunday night dinner at the Leveques' |
My goodness! The solstice countdown is drawing to a close - today is, after all, solstice eve. Big things are afoot. There will be much to report next week, I am sure. This week, however, on top of documenting the solstice fairy shenanigans (with, unfortunately, some not-so-great-quality photos), I have some other very special treats. Enjoy!
December 13 (Friday): Today was a double header - it began with a morning playdate at Helen's house, and ended with a movie night. Much fun was had at Helen's, complete with a good old-fashioned romp in the snow before we left. I got loads of great pictures. Upon returning home, however, I found that I had neglected to put the sd card back in the camera, and therefore had actually recorded nothing. Domage! I do however, have an action-packed shot of movie night, taken mid-movie. We opted for "Muppets Christmas", and I can honestly say I think all four of us enjoyed it immensely!
Nothing says "movie night" like popcorn, pjs and some knitting. I think that's Kermit in the reflection... |
December 14 (Saturday): Today the fairies suggested we take a day-trip to Hyannis to take a ride on the carousel. This also meant braving the mall, and attempting quick pop-ins at places you can't go here, such as Trader Joe's, Joanne's, and the Cape Cod Beer Company. It was ambitious, and involved *some* frustration. But at least there were, as promised, a number of much ballyhooed rides on the carousel.
Mrs. style maven |
Mr. Dapper. Can't go wrong with a sweater vest. |
December 15 (Sunday): Anticipating that we might all be a little worn out from our day trip, the fairies kindly left a book today, rather than planning an ambitious activity. It is a classic, and seemed very appropriate for the solstice season:
December 16 (Monday): This morning started off straggly, as Juniper woke up at 4am, and threw up twice. I assumed it was going to be a rough day, and that the solstice activity would just have to be skipped or postponed. When she woke up again at 8am, however, she was right as rain, ate a huge breakfast, and was completely fine for the rest of the day. This was particularly great, as today's solstice activity turned out to be a huge hit. The fairies suggest that Juniper create a book (perhaps holiday-themed), and include both story and illustrations. This was a spin-off on oral story-creating that Juniper and I do all the time - I was reminded of it when Lauren showed me a book that her son Noah had made when we were there for dinner the night before. Anyway, Juniper LOVED it. She did all the illustrations first, and then decided which order to put them in, and then dictated the story to me as we went through it page by page:
The very first pages |
Due to Juniper's chosen medium (watercolour), everything had to dry before it was assembled. It turned into a full-day project. |
Anyway, the result was so awesome that I decided that I should really include it in full here! This is "special treat" #1. Without further ado, I bring you Solstice Calendar in the House, written and illustrated by Juniper Richards, transcribed verbatim by me. All rights reserved.

So, wasn't that amazing? I hope she maintains the enthusiasm she currently has for it (and the great pride that she clearly felt in the finished product). It reminds me of how much I loved doing the same thing as a kid.
Now, you may think that was already a lot to cram into a quasi-sick-day (I decided to not leave the house all day just to play it safe), but that was not all that transpired. You see, I had just received a pair of hair cutting shears in the mail that I had ordered from Amazon, and was keen to try my hand at Linden's crazy mop.
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The happy test subject. Little did he know what was coming. |
I semi-successfully gave Juniper a trim. It was easy enough, really, and though I am now seeing lots of little uneven bits, on the whole you would never notice. Linden, however, was a different story. I mostly wanted to get rid of the crazy mess at the back of his head, and I thought I'd try shaping it. Bad idea. Oh well, if his hair grows as fast as mine (which it really seems to), then hopefully this ragged weirdly-sheared semi-bowl cut will be a thing of the past soon enough. I may let Clark try his hand at it next time.
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Clark tried to "fix" it afterwards, but not much could be done at this point. |
Like a kid in a candy shop... |
Granola! |
About to embark on a culinary adventure |
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Perusing the menu |
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Linden was pleased with the choice of establishment. |
Video #1: Linden has a rough morning.
So, yesterday morning was rough. For whatever reason, Linden (usually a champion sleeper), had been up multiple times during the night, and then was up for good at like 5:30am. He was exhausted. I was exhausted. I was, I'm sure, more than a little cranky. Linden, however, was completely out of his gourd. For some unknown reason, Clark thought it would be a good idea to let Linden watch a video while I was getting dressed, and he was trying to get Juniper out the door. This was all fine and good, until I (who had nothing, may I remind you, to do with giving him this video in the first place), told him it was time to turn the video off. What resulted was the most epic, crazy tantrum I have ever witnessed in my entire life. It went on for so long, and in so many different rooms and poses and manifestations that I eventually stopped trying to comfort or divert or distract or make him him laugh, or reason with him (all of which were making him angrier). Instead, I opted to develop a sense of humour about it until the fuse burned out. The fairy wings he was sporting helped in this regard :) I also decided to snap a couple of video clips from it, and strung them together. You'll be happy to know that he eventually snapped out of it when I suggested we play "boats"(the first suggestion that he accepted), and that after a long, long nap, he was back to himself that evening (I think all that ice-cream at Friendly's helped).
Video #2: Juniper the "ballerina":
As I mentioned earlier in the post, the kids had a ballet dancer visit their pre-school earlier in the week. Juniper was clearly quite taken with her, as she has been donning her dance leotard and tutu every chance she gets since then. Her choice of music and moves might be slightly atypical in the world of ballet, but I can assure you that she fancies herself a ballerina in the making! Clearly we need to get her into a class of some sort to help fuel her enthusiasm...
Video #3: Some miscellaneous musical moments from the last month or so:
Linden's diction is phenomenal.
Consider the possibility of lactose intolerance in the little guy. I think he may have had more pain than grumpiness.
It seems that Juniper has a natural flair for East Indian as well as Native Indian dance.
Just sayin ...
Loved the blog - thanks so much!
My goodness: that dancing! And Linden's (everyone's) singing! This is truly amazing. I've got big tears in my eyes! Love you all xo aunT
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