Monday, March 30, 2015

a new home: phase 2

Happy breakfaster; nice morning light
As March abruptly comes to an end, it finally feels as though things are starting to move forward in this seemingly never-ending pre-moving saga.  Most importantly, (in my mind, anyway), we signed a lease!  We now know for sure that we have a place to live, which makes all the rest really just details, right?

We have all started to kick into "moving mode" in our own ways.  For me and Clark, it is the boring, annoying minutia that you might expect - making lists; cancelling services and setting up new ones; figuring out about school districts and programs; booking moving vehicles, firming up dates.  We've even started to wrap our heads around starting to pack.  First order of business: tackling the ever-expanding monster in the basement that I have affectionately dubbed "Mount Boxmore".  This involves making sure no unwanted guests have moved in, and seeing how much bigger the pile must become in order to fit all of our worldly possessions.

Mount Boxmore, which has been slowly growing in the basement

Bonus basement shot, since I was down there anyway: our alarming basement cobwebs.  This is clearly one of the things I'll miss most dearly when we leave.  Laundry just won't be the same  in Kanata. Who doesn't love a tangle of cobwebs in his or her face every single day?
As you might imagine, the kids have also started to prepare.  Or, more accurately, Juniper has started to prepare, and Linden follows her lead whenever he feels like it.  One of the highlights of this past weekend, for instance, was a trip to IKEA, where we found these two, small, very orange little suitcases.  Juniper has been obsessing (like, seriously obsessing), about having a "small car rolling suitcase" for the epic road trip.  She was envisioning something that was convertible both as a rolling suitcase and a backpack, but immediately saw the potential in these little ones.  She and Linden happily brought them home, got out the trusty cloth markers, and proceed to add the essential personal embellishments:
Linden, mid-design process
Juniper, proudly displaying the (for now) finished product
Juniper has also been making lists of her own, one of which came home with her school work earlier in the week, detailing what she feels to be the essentials. It was too cute not to share.  For those needing translation for the list itself, it reads: moving, packed, suitcase, house, room, driveway, bathroom, kitchen, water, food, fridge, freezer.

Juniper's "moving to Ottawa" list
The essentials.  Thankfully, they are mostly all checked off.
As we wind up to move, we're simultaneously winding down our lives on the Cape. For instance, I have now thrown my last piece of pottery at the Falmouth Art Centre pottery studio.  I'll be doing some final glazing this coming week, but my oh-so-amazing creative/mental health outlet is mostly now gone.  I am also left wondering how in the world I'm going to get all those pieces I've made over the past year to Ottawa! 
One of the many piles of pottery crammed into the various corners of our house.
This past week also marked the very last time we will be doing parent helping at the Woods Hole Child Centre.  In order to celebrate, we all went along - Clark took the morning off work, and Juniper skipped school.  Seeing as it was music month, we brought in a bevy of instruments, and proceeded to play musical games, give demos, and perform a little family concert.  It was a hoot!
Juniper spearheads a violin workshop
Linden, in charge of the calendar for one last time
Some serious block-building
Other than all the moving details ruling our lives right now, things have been mostly rolling along as usual.  We managed to get the bikes out this week, much to the delight of everyone involved.  This is, in fact, the topic of a short little segment on Juniper and Linden's newscast - check it out here. The Easter Bunny also just realized that Easter is just around the corner, and has been trying to organize things for the big day.  Consequently, a huge bag of mini eggs has come into the house, and then quickly disappeared.  This happens Every Single Year.  Those stupid mini eggs.  And with that, I think I need to go replace that bag.  Have a great week!

Monday, March 23, 2015

liminal limbo

One of our many daily post-nap selfies that we like to text to Clark to liven up his afternoon 
I wish I could entitle this post "a new home: phase two", but I don't feel that enough has been accomplished since last week to warrant such a designation.  We are slowly getting closer to signing a lease, but this hasn't happened yet (we have not yet been sent a lease to sign), and therefore everything is kind of hanging in limbo.  If we do indeed get this place, then we have, at the very least, hatched a plan for the move itself. It involves my mom flying down and driving to Ottawa with me and the kids, and Clark's dad driving down to help with the final packing and cleaning once the kids are out of here.  Clark's mom and stepdad might also come down beforehand to help keep kids occupied while we do some pre-packing.  We're lucky to have such amazing parents!  I'll have to remember this when our turn comes around in about 20 years time.

Constructing banana-peanut butter "sandwiches"
In the meantime, we've been going about life as usual, trying to muddle through despite the seemingly never-ending, varying incarnations of colds. No one has been as sick as we were during the February flumageddon, but no one has been entirely healthy since then, either.  It has been a ridiculous and frustrating ebb and flow of coughs and congestion and sore throats and headaches.  I kind of feel like we are all ready for a (very literal) new start at this point.  Let's just hope we don't collapse on the way there!
"Take a picture of me being funny!"
I will leave you with a little video of Juniper's first dance "recital" (the culmination of her 8 weeks of after-school hip-hop/ballet) - a gem that I can not seem to tire of, but which is likely a bit of a snooze-fest to most others :)  I do wish I had been filming on the other side of the stage, but you can still mostly see her.  She was quite literally the tiniest person there (almost a head shorter than the next biggest girl), and was clearly loving the limelight.  I think I can relate.  Also, don't forget to check out - this week, there is one instructional video on skiing.  Might as well take advantage of all that snow right?  See you next week!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

a new home: phase one

Some at-home glazing
I am writing this a whole day later than usual, trying to prop my eyes open for just long enough to pound out a bit of an update. I owe this exhaustion not to the kids (well, not entirely to the kids - they always have at least something to do with exhaustion, if we're being honest), but rather to a very delayed flight that found me and Clark stumbling home at almost 2am. "A flight?", you ask?  It's true! Clark and I spent a ridiculous whirlwind of a weekend in Ottawa, looking at pretty much every viable rental house we could find in the Kanata area.  Our hope, of course, was to secure a place to live when we move next month.
Juniper reads to Grandma and Linden
But let's back up, shall we? How did Clark and I find ourselves in Ottawa sans kids, perusing Kanata townhouses?  It all began with an offer from Grandma and Grandpa (Clark's dad and stepmom), who heroically drove down to the Cape and took on the challenge that is Juniper and Linden.  Meanwhile, Clark was already in Ottawa, putting in a couple of days of work with RBR, so I showed Bill and Barb the ins and outs of how to manage things around here, then hopped a plane myself.  It felt like a kind of crazy idea at the time, and involved more planning and logistics and money than you might imagine. We packed almost 15 viewings into a day and a bit, and were, on top of being completely exhausted by the whole endeavour, a little disappointed with the offerings.  

I got to meet Ruth for the first time!! (and tried unsuccessfully to be included in the selfie) 
The very last house we saw, however, right before heading off to the airport, was pretty much exactly what we want. It met our criteria (bright, close to Clark's work, enough space, a place for people to stay when they visit, a good fenced backyard); Juniper's criteria (she gets a room to herself, and the stairs aren't creaky); and when I figure out Linden's criterion (a big hole), then perhaps we can accommodate him as well. We have not officially signed a lease yet, but we are almost there, and I am actually pretty excited with the prospect of setting up in this new home. It was also amazing to have the opportunity to hang out with some of our dearest friends, with whom we will very shortly be sharing a city! 

Meanwhile, Grandma and Grandpa handled the kids like the pros that they are.  They even took some photographic and video footage so that I could share a bit of their weekend here.  The highlight, it would seem, was a road trip that they took to Skaket beach, on Cape Cod Bay.  The draw to this particular location was the huge chunks of sea ice that had washed ashore - a pretty unique occurrence, by all accounts.  I must say I'm a little jealous! Here are some photos:

And finally, a little video of the creative sliding that took place in the driveway!  If you want more videos, please don't forget to check out  Linden has some pretty sage pieces of wisdom for you all. 

Monday, March 9, 2015

The last full month

Sitting on top of the couch (not allowed); Juniper reading Magic Puppy to Linden (too cute to shut down)
 A full week of March has now passed us by, which is relatively unbelievable.  This is, you see, the last full month that we will be living in this beautiful little corner of the world we've called home for the last two and a half years. Everything is moving forward, and it seems to be happening incredibly fast.  With that in mind, I'll pause here and paint a little picture of life as it is right at this very moment.
Linden is much more serious than you'd think when it comes to trying Juniper's violin

Linden has been coming up with some hilarious expressions and words, as you might expect a feisty 3-year old to do.  Some of them, however, have such a nice ring to them that we have stopped trying to correct him, and sometimes find ourselves using them.  In particular, he has found an excellent way to mark time.  It used to be that everything that happened in the past was "yesterday", and anything in the future was "tomorrow".  He has swapped these terms with the highly adaptable phrase "a few whiles".  For instance:

"Linden - where did you get this bruise?"
"I fell".
"When did that happen?"
"Oh, a few whiles ago".


"I'm going on the train to Boston"
"No - we're going to the grocery store"
"I know.  I'm going to go on the train in a few whiles".

Another turn of phrase that has persisted for many, many months now is Linden's habit of  replacing to "laugh" with with "to be funny".  This is often said indignantly: "stop being funny at me!", or "Juniper was being funny at me, and it made me sad!", but can also be used as a request: "I'm going to tell a joke, and then you need to be funny at me, OK?"

Bright yellow lemons in a hand-made wave bowl
As anyone who interacts with Linden can attest, he is a real charmer.  This is, I have come to realise, a particularly important personality trait for a child who also has an unparalleled knack for inciting frustration.  Sometimes, he'll come up to me, touch my face, and say "I like you, mama".
"I LOVE you", I'll respond, and Linden will reply, "I love you too, but I also really like you. You're my special mama, and you make me happy".  Who can resist that without your heart melting?

He is also unusually generous with compliments, often letting you know that he is fond of your outfit.  "I like your dress - you look very fancy", he'll proclaim.  Or "those are great shoes.  They are a very nice colour brown".   Last night, he looked up at me at the table, and said "thank you for making dinner, mama.  The basagna is delicious".  This morning, he climbed into bed for a snuggle, and remarked, "I like your nose.  It is a beautiful nose".

So very devilish, and yet so very charming.  And ridiculously cute. This will undoubtedly spell disaster in about 10 years time.

Kea and Juniper skip through the group at folk dancing

Juniper has been singularly obsessed with her upcoming 6th birthday.  And by "upcoming" I mean a good half a year away.  She has big plans.  HUGE plans.  She talks about them daily, and they change at an alarmingly fast rate.  She has been through any number of themes, including ones you might expect (a princess party; a costume party), and others that clearly came from some deeper, more creative space (a "rainbow" party, where everyone comes dressed as a colour of the rainbow; or a "bug" party - I'm fuzzy on the details of this one).

Currently, she has decided on a "shop" party.  The idea came from the shop party that WHOI throws every year, so called because it is held in a gigantic machine shop (I blogged about it last December).  Juniper first wanted to find such a machine shop in Ottawa, and hold her birthday there.  She quickly amended these plans, however, when she realized that her new friend Ruth (who she has, incidentally, not yet met), would only be about 9 months old at that point, and that it might not be safe for her. So now, "shop party" has morphed into an event to be held at our (as yet theoretical) new house.  It will involve Clark building a play house in the back yard, and Juniper setting up a store, with food and other items for sale.  Guests at the party will be invited to buy items from this shop, each of which will range in price from 0.01$ to 0.09$ (Canadian). If Linden plays his cards right, it looks like he might be invited to work the cash register with Juniper.  I'll be very interested to see how this epic shindig actually shapes up in the end!

And with that, I will sign off for now.  There is one video to check out on this week's Juniper and Linden newscast - you can find it here.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Emerging from the gloom

Someone FINALLY got to touch the fiddle and take it home with her
Well, folks, I basically do not have any photo documentation from the week.  No one likes to read about sickness ad nauseum, so I'll spare you all the gritty details.  Suffice it to say that my flu turned into a sinus infection, Clark and Linden's into a cold, and Juniper's into a brief but uncomfortable ear infection.  So. We were clearly all a bunch of happy adventurous people this week.  I'm still only barely dragging myself through the day.

But I did want to post at least that one photo of Juniper and her fiddle, as she is so very excited to actually have it at home with her.  She is taking after school fiddle lessons, but the weather somehow managed to cancel them for 4 straight weeks in a row.  So this week was the first time she was able to get her fiddle.  It is adorable.

Oh!  And here is a photo from the S.T.E.A.M (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) event at Juniper's school, which was actually quite fun.

Juniper shows off her paper plate car, which Clark helped build.  It actually moved across the floor! 
I also have a couple of videos to share on some live fiddling, and a piece on maps.  Take a look at them here.

Hopefully I'll have more to share next week!