Family shot (such that it is): on the way back, Crowbar Lake |
There are a lot of pictures to post this week, folks. I not only have a fair amount of catch-up to do, but this catch-up includes our March Break adventure to Kouchibouguac National Park. So without further ado:
1. Day to day: Yes, yes. I promised adventures. But it is also important to sneak in some pics of the day-to-day, right? Let's start with that:
Most of my wheel time is "me" time, but I can't deny the kids some fun as well! |
I decided it was time to teach Juniper Scrabble. I'll have a worthy opponent in no time! |
Some bunting that came out of my wet felting experiments... |
... and the result of Juniper wanting to get in on the bunting craze... |
... and, of course, Linden as well. (those are the four Ninja Turtles, of course) |
Great Aunt Evie came to visit! Linden couldn't be bothered with a shirt, clearly. |
2. March Break Adventure: About a month ago, Clark's dad, Bill, started trying to brainstorm a way that we could all get together for a March Break outdoor adventure. What ended up transpiring was that he and Barb very generously rented a lovely Chalet in Richibucto (New Brunswick) for a couple of nights, and invited us to come join in on the fun. The point was to spend our days at Kouchibouguac National Park, getting in as many wintery activities as possible before the snow disappears for another year. Theresa and Scott came as well, and an awesome time was had by all! I was especially impressed by the perseverance the kids showed x-country skiing... it was a first for both of them (on real gear, in real tracks, that is), and they put in a LOT of kilometres in 2 days. They also did a LOT of falling and picking themselves up, and indulged in little to no complaining.
Day 1: the kids rent real x-country ski gear for the first time |
Off we go! |
Clark demonstrates how to properly get up after falling. This proved to be a very important lesson |
Look at this lovely trail: two classic tracks, and a whole side for skate skiing. And yes, the days were as beautiful as the picture suggests. |
Our destination: a cabin a little of 2 kms away from the start |
A snack reward after making it that first 2km |
Here come the guys! |
This little rest cabin boasted some sleds and a good long sledding hill. We took full advantage. |
This was accompanied by much whooping (especially when I went down, let me assure you) |
Warming up before going back |
How cute is this little skier? |
Clark: "Hey kids, that's really hot. Stop poking the ice with sticks" |
Clark" "wait a minute. That's pretty cool. Get me a stick" |
The ski train, on their way back |
Look who we ran into just as we were getting back! (Theresa and Scott) |
Theresa and Juniper preparing some potatoes for dinner... |
... while Scott and Linden have a scintillating game of chess |
The view from outside our chalet as the sun went down |
Clark and Linden on the vast expanse of ice, morning #2 |
After skiing (on day #2), we strapped on our snowshoes, and explored some new trails! |
What's a winter adventure without some music? We had: 1 mandolin, 2 guitars, a violin, some percussion, and some lovely singing voices. No better way to warm up after a day of snow and fresh air! |
Scott and Theresa take the kids on the ice as Clark and I pack up, day#3 |
Our chalet! Did I mention it had a big jacuzzi? Mmmmm... |
Juniper in the middle of a "labyrinth" |
Scott and Linden built a snow wall. Linden talked about this for days afterwards |
Bill and Barb had to leave early on the last morning, but here is a (sadly, back-lit) group shot of the remaining adventurers before parting ways |
3. Crowbar Lake: Finally, yesterday we took advantage of the lovely sunny day to have a little family hike at the beautiful Crowbar Lake trail. Because it was more of a "real" hike than just our usual romps through the woods, we came equipped with hiking poles (which was a godsend - it was WAY icier than we had anticipated), food, AND a camp stove to make hot chocolate at the half-way mark. This, in particular, was very exciting. Linden has discovered a deeply-felt interest in camp-cooking, let me assure you.
Sunglasses-clad, trekking-pole-equipped serious hikers |
Negotiating some icy, snowy, boulder-strewn ascents |
At the top of the loop! |
Discussing some nature drawing techniques |
Hot chocolate! |
It is difficult to see, but here are Juniper and Linden with their respective drawings of the same tree (the one directly behind them) |
Whew! That's it! Have a great week!
1 comment:
How did I not know about the wheel? We need to discuss this!
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