Monday, April 10, 2017

Little mimics

There was a time, many years ago, when I might have told you I believed that parenting style had a lot to do with a kid's disposition and personality.  That was, of course, before I had a second kid, and realized that there is much, much more that is actually just... I don't know.  Genetically hardwired, I guess. My kids are VERY different people, despite using the same approach to parenting on both.  It is the old nature vs. nurture argument, of course, and people who are far more knowledgable on the subject than I continue to hypothesize and try to unwrap all the various layers and nuances.

That having been said, there is also a strong case to be made for kids pursuing interests based on observation and mimicry.  The interests that appeal and stick will likely vary on aspects of that predetermined disposition. However, it is a very strong reminder (for me, anyway), to try and live by the golden rule -- treat your kids the way you would want to be treated... and behave in a way that you would like them to behave.  It is a FAR nicer revelation to find your child pursuing your (shared) interests than it is to have them stomp their foot and storm away in almost EXACTLY the same fashion you did the other day when frustrated. Not that I would know from personal experience, of course. *cough*

Today I offer an example of this type of interest mimicry in a form that might start to become a more regular occurrence - Juniper wanting a blog post based on her pictures.  On Saturday, Will brought Eva and Sylvie to Halifax for the afternoon, and the dads (that is, Clark and Will) went on a little hiking adventure with the kids.  Juniper specifically borrowed my little point and shoot (her camera currently has a broken screen), in order to have her photos included in this week's blog post.  And so - here they are!  High time I quit waxing philosophical, anyway, and get out to enjoy this warm, bright sunny day.  My soul could use a little tangible promise that Spring might actually be on its way.  See you next week!
Highly symmetrical group shot
Eva smiling and looking cute...
... and Sylvie doing the same
And Linden... looking like the goof he often is
I think Juniper must have given Eva a turn with the camera for this one!

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