Monday, October 30, 2017

short and sweet

Linden's photo posing game is on point.  I like to call this "fence casual"
I have a very short little post to offer today. First off, I am moving very slowly this morning, trying (I believe) to battle off the most recent bug that Linden has dragged into the house.  Sore throat, snot, cough - the usual.  Poor Linden gets blamed for all manner of things, but every time I watch his filthy little fingers going towards his mouth , the rage begins to build. "Linden, WASH YOUR HANDS! Get your fingers OUT OF YOUR MOUTH!" I constantly sound like one of those hand-sanitizer-wielding, neat-freak, germaphobe-psycho moms, but at this point, enough is enough. It is a losing battle, it seems. 

Also, I took only a very small handful of photos this week, all from a woods walk in Hemlock Ravine yesterday.  This is not because we twiddled our thumbs this weekend, but rather because the activities mostly did not lend themselves to photos.  For instance, on Saturday, Linden really REALLY wanted to go buy some feathers.  Specifically, he wanted the bigs ones he had seen at Michaels.  He had some birthday money, and I guess some really important feather-related plans, so we decided to acquiesce... as long as we turned it into a family bike ride.  So that's what we did!  It was a pretty epic adventure, to Dartmouth Crossing and back, but it was actually pretty fun.  So far, the feathers have been used to make a stuffed turkey and two quills (which were employed, semi-successfully, to do some writing and drawing).  Also, there are now feathers just... scattered randomly throughout the house.  Of course.
On Linden's request...


... the woods-walk dance sequence!

Featuring Linden's signature side-arm slice-and-point move, and accompanying intense facial expressions.
Besides, I might as well save up my blogging energy for the next two weeks' posts, as they are both sure to be chalk-full.  There are plans afoot, not the least of which is tomorrow's Hallowe'en extravnganza.  See you next week!

My very cute little crew

Monday, October 23, 2017

Right now

Album cover?
The big exciting event of the week was, as the title photo suggests, a visit from Liz and Pat.  The Halifax Pop Explosion was in full swing this weekend, and Pat came down to play a show, so naturally we turned it into an excuse to hang out.  Though it was a short little visit, there were loads of highlights: a fall walk through Shubie park, dinner at a new-to-us ramen joint in our old neighbourhood, and even a full-on trip to IKEA (though whether or not that was actually a highlight *may* depend on who you talk to).  
All "photo shoots" tend to devolve into this sort of nonsense at one point or another these days

And though Pat's show was on just a little too late for the kids, we did take in some rocking, loud, live music at a little warehouse-y venue just underneath the North End library. The kids were mesmerized - I have never seen Linden sit so still for so long (despite the energy and dancing and flashing lights).  As soon as we left, however, he started to wiggle a bit, then suddenly broke into some full-body, crazy dance moves of his own.  If only I'd known what was coming, I'd have caught it on video! Clearly, a whole new world has been opened up to him.

Linden, running ahead to "scout for dragons".  He decided, instead, to hide in the bushes, then promptly lost us entirely, and ended up requesting help from some woman he encountered along the trail.  Sigh.
Besides the visit, however, I have also been reflecting lately on every day life around here.  I am writing this post from our beautiful sunroom, which is lovely and warm, despite it being late October.  It overlooks our backyard, bursting with colour from the birches and maples that are still hanging on to their red, orange and yellow leaves.  I have been visited by a swarm of pine siskins, making a general racket and pecking for delicacies in the grass, a few blue jays playing with each other, and I am now putting up with the loud, grating cries of a murder of crows that swooped in and chased everyone else off.  Bullies!  I was also privy to the successful hunting techniques of the black cat that likes to hang out here.  After patiently sitting, then quietly stalking, it emerged from our neighbours' yard with a young, healthy rat in its mouth.  That cat is welcome anytime.

On our pumpkin-choosing adventure.  We attempted to grow our own pumpkins this year, but due to some unwanted seed foraging (I blame those same crows), and consequent late re-planting, our largest pumpkin is currently the size of a bouncy ball.
We have now officially been here a little over a year, and love it as much as we did at the beginning.  I think everyone feels nice and settled, with the exception, still, of me.  It is one thing to finish something as large and overwhelming as a PhD, but quite another to then figure out what to do with yourself after it is done.  Part of me is content to just breathe deeply for a bit and figure it all out in good time, but another (much more practical) part of me would like to be in a state wherein we are paying off debt, rather than accruing it.  Stupid academia.  

The one pretty spot I could find in front of the water that wasn't swarming with people undertaking professional photo shoots. Clearly, it was just that kind of day!
As far as parenting goes, I'm still trying to grasp the fact that I am mother to an 8-year-old and a 6-year-old. It seems as though some grand fast-forward happened overnight. They are both smart as whips, keen to be grown up, creative, and kind.  They are active, love to be outdoors, and are ready snugglers (especially in the morning and right before bed).  They are good kids.  They really are.  And though this is true, it is also a phrase that I find I have to repeat to myself daily as both a reminder, and a calming mantra.  

Now there's a pretty reflection!  And just off the beaten path enough to not be swarming with other photographers.
Because while they are, truly, all those things I just mentioned, they are also constantly a source of stress.  Right now, the biggest daily frustrations emerge from one of two things: fighting(/telling on each other/whining), and NOT LISTENING/making bad decisions (my euphemism for being complete and utter imbeciles). They will play so well together, and be each other's most hard-core champions one minute, and then scream at each other the next.  Juniper likes to control and boss every situation; Linden likes to try and be a little arse/pest.  You tell them they can play outside, as long as it is on our property, the next thing you know they've disappeared to the house across the street (because they "forgot").    They tell you they've brushed their teeth, and the brushes are still dry.  When Linden's energy gets revved up (for instance, if there's something really fun happening, or if people are visiting), it is as though he literally starts vibrating, and bouncing from place to place.  He rams into people with crazy hugs, scales trees, and leaps off high fences.  One day I got a call home informing me that he had bumped his head twice during the school day (once was a "music class accident", and the other was on the playground), but that he seemed fine.  So typical.  I just want them to remember to be kind, and to grow up to be good, responsible people, but holy moly, some days look like I should limit my expectations.  Also, though deliciously ironic, the point where I'm usually having to remind them to be good people, I am doing so in a voice that is neither kind nor patient. It can be VERY difficult, when emotions run high, to practice what you preach.

Linden, looking sweet and young while wearing Juniper's sweater and reading some Far Side comics post-piano lesson....
... and then giving a preview of his teenage years in the back seat of the car
Anyway, that is certainly enough by way of musings for one week.  I feel as though I should go start putting our garden to bed for the season (and also, to see if that neighbour's dog who got into our yard this morning and squatted determinately a couple of times left anything behind), but that black cat is now back, and I really don't want to disturb it.  It is doing some very important work out there, and has been far more successful than we have thus far.  Perhaps I could be persuaded instead to go hang out for a bit in my slowly evolving pottery studio.  See you next week!

Early morning mist rising of the Shubenacadie Canal

Monday, October 16, 2017


So old, he now needs two hands to demonstrate his age

This past weekend was noteworthy for two reasons: the first was that my brother Michael and his husband Steve were visiting Fredericton, and the second was that Linden was celebrating his 6th birthday.  The decision to combine the two events was, of course, a no-brainer.  So on Friday, Clark took the day off of work, the kids skipped school, and off we went for a whirlwind Fredericton adventure. We were only there for one full day (Saturday, which was Linden's actual birthday), but we packed it full to bursting.

Event #1: Birthday Brunch
Hosted at my parent's house, this brunch included anyone who was available from our combined families. It included lots of food, TWO birthday cakes, a scavenger hunt, and presents. In other words, it was a roaring success.

Pretty classy spread for a 6-year old's birthday

Aunt Elizabeth made some beautiful cupcakes that were almost too lovely to eat.  Almost.

Juniper was in charge of packing her own fancy clothes and accessories. She was dressed to the nines.

The cousins begin the big scavenger hunt!

Reading the second clue amongst the highbush blueberries

Resting in the sunroom after the big finalé

Pretty ladies

Inexplicably, Juniper felt the need to quiz everyone about their preferred choice of cake as they arrived, and then enter their name (and choice) in a draw to see who would get the second piece of cake.  Just as inexplicably, my mother had the perfect box just hanging around

Cake #1 (my mom's creation - a bird, after Linden's request)...

... and Cake #2

Group shot with the beautiful fall background!  

With aunt Liz and uncle Pat

Juniper and Chelsea (Juniper is going through a real "bunny ears" phase)

Juniper and Michael trade glasses, with hilarious results

Michael pulls the kids around in Bob's heavy duty wheel barrow

Look who showed up! (Scott, Theresa, and, much to the kids' delight, Sam)

Couple of goofballs

Michael, Steve and the kids
 Event #2: Walk in the woods through gorgeous O'dell Park
In order to work off all the brunch food (and, more to the point, to enjoy the incomparable fall day), Clark and the kids and I joined Theresa, Scott and Bill for a romp around O'dell park.  This Fredericton gem is always a magical destination.

Juniper proudly shows off her new "adventure bag", which Mike and Steve brought for her, complete with notebook, pencil, pen, and eraser.  She was ALL OVER it.

The kids (term used loosely) scale and then navigate an irresistible fallen tree

Scott and Juniper

The hiking crew!

Linden, having brought his new light sabre along, was quick to protect us all from trolls every time we needed to cross one of the many O'dell bridges 

Three generations of plaid

The hiking ladies!

Adding to a cool make-shift shelter we found along the way

Big boy, fall leaves, mossy rock

Linden found a huge hollow tree trunk, and quickly made his way inside...

... followed closely by Juniper...

... and GRANDPA!

They even managed to get four in there in the end, though I think they were all very happy to get out after I shot the photo.

Heading back

Event #3: A visit with great-aunt Evie
After O'dell, Clark and the kids and I headed to Evie's house, as she had a present waiting for Linden: an absolutely gorgeous hand-knit sweater:

The only photo I got where everyone was stationary all at the same time

Linden models his new sweater.  Isn't it lovely?
Event #4: Dinner at Deb and Yvon's:
As if one meal wasn't enough, the evening found a large contingent of us back at the dinner table - this time at Deb and Yvon's.  The menu included both roast beef and salmon, and was a huge treat. I was clearly photo-ed out at this point, so I have very little to document it, but here is one final shot of Mary and Linden:
pre-dinner snuggles
And that about sums it up!  We spent Sunday morning packing and trying to fit everything in the car - not an easy feat when adding a tonne of additional stuff in.  Not only were there all of Linden's presents, but I also had bunch of boxes full of new pottery supplies, freshly bisqued pieces, AND my first load of completed glaze ware!!  It was like my birthday and Christmas combined.  Though it is a bit of a ridiculous solution to my lack of kiln, having Deborah fire all of my stuff for me is a tremendous treat.  It also promotes any and all visiting between Fredericton and Halifax that we can encourage (to courier my stuff back and forth), which is certainly an added bonus! 

After successfully squeezing the car to capacity, we visited with Mike and Steve (and Kelli and crew) one last time, then headed back to Halifax. Though no one dreamed of sleeping in on the weekend, the kids woke up late enough this morning that there was no hope of catching the bus.  Clark grumbled heartily at this irony, let me assure you, but in the end we managed to get everyone to school and work on time.  So... all's well that ends well.

See you next week!