Monday, April 30, 2018

Early Spring Offerings

A short but sweet visit with my brother Michael!
It may be overcast as I write this, but the birds are chirping and flying about in the our backyard, Linden's garlic is poking out of his garden box, daffodils and tulips are just about bursting forth, and the forsythia buds have popped. All this is enough to finally celebrate the fact that we have well and truly been offered a taste of spring these last two weeks.  Of course, there are some places that have been given a bit of a spring overload -- for anyone curious, google my home town of Fredericton, NB, and you're sure to find countless videos and pictures of the crazy flooding that's happening there right now.
The after school vibe has clearly shifted
Despite this past rainy weekend, however, we remain dry over here in Halifax (or Dartmouth, as the case may be), and grateful for the chance to enjoy some outdoor time with sun hats and long-sleeved shirts (and whenever Linden can get away with it, shorts and t-shirts).  So far, there has been a massive amount of bike-riding and yard-clearing and garden-prep, and it's all still such a novelty that everyone is still very enthusiastic and willing to chip in.  For instance:

My two volunteer branch-breakers. There were seemingly endless fallen branches around the yard, which needed to be broken into manageable pieces and then neatly bundled.  

Linden, taking his yard duties seriously.  He actually exclaimed more than once how much he LOVED yard work.  No joke.

Helping turn over the grass compost

The other event of note from the past two weeks was a visit from my brother Michael! He is currently here for a conference, and was able to sneak out last night for a couple of hours to come hang with us and see the house.  The kids, of course, were thrilled.

Nice picture...

... silly picture!

Juniper took this one.
 And finally, I leave you with Linden's most recent Lego movie spectacular.  It is a classic cop and robber stop-motion animation, and he was pretty pleased with himself when he saw the results.  We still didn't manage to add a soundtrack, but perhaps that should be the goal for next time.

Behind the scenes: Clark and Linden set up for the big shoot

See you next time!

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