And just like that - we are now a family of five! |
After a very (very) long wait, I can finally now proudly announce that we have an official fifth member of the Richards/Simmonds clan: (drumroll, please...)
Hazel Sofia Richards.
Freshly born |
Though it has a relatively ridiculous amount of pictures, this blog post is really just a short chronicle of the first three days of our life as a family of five. Part of me was tempted to offer a full-blown account of more salient details of the labour and delivery, but I decided in the end that if anyone is interested in those, you should drop me a line... or better yet, come for a visit!
In a nutshell, however:
- My water broke almost at the drop of midnight on July 10th (12 days overdue, for anyone keeping track). Contractions started pretty much immediately thereafter.
- We had planned and prepared for a home birth, and I was super excited to finally have the opportunity (both Juniper and Linden could have been home births, but the midwifery program had not been completely sorted either time, and home births therefore weren't offered). When my water broke, however, it was full of meconium, which suddenly turned the delivery into a necessary hospital birth.
- The labour lasted almost exactly 14 hours. Hazel was born at 2:01 pm, July 10th.
- Stats:
Weight: 8 lbs 14oz
Length: 22 inches
This puts her right in the middle of Juniper (8lbs 2oz) and Linden (9lbs 10oz). I clearly brew large babies!
- The birth was attended by two of the midwives on my team - first Kelly, and then Katharine; by a fabulous nurse; by Zsofi (my honorary doula, who was also there for Juniper's birth); and of course by Clark. At the very end, it was also attended by a whole team of specialists, who were there to help guide Hazel and her stuck shoulder out as efficiently as possible (and also to make sure the meconium had had no adverse effects). It was a zoo!
- Everyone was healthy and happy post-birth, and we were able to go home that evening, which was awesome. Hazel is incredibly strong (she has ridiculous neck control already), is a champion nurser, and is super chill for the most part. Not so much at night, unfortunately, but that will all change in time. The kids think she's awesome, and are full of kisses and love and songs.
And that's it! I'll divide the pictures into days, with a bit of commentary here and there. Otherwise, prepare yourselves for a LARGE number of (ridiculously cute, imho) newborn shots.
DAY 1: At the hospital
Immediately post-birth, with a hilarious little hat that refused to stay on |
Clark holds Hazel for the first time |
Oh the outrage of being left alone so unceremoniously! 8 lbs 14 oz. |
Zsofi finally gets to hang with Hazel |
Snuggling with me. Have you ever seen a newborn child with so much hair? |
Cherub |
Juniper gets to hold her sister for the very first time... |
... and then Linden... |
... and then Mary |
Everyone was pretty smitten |
Finally, Clark gets to reclaim her for a bit |
Day 2: Hanging at home
The very first morning: Linden reads "Goodnight Moon" to Hazel. She was not paying quite as much attention as he would have liked |
Mary likes to claim snuggle time as much as humanly possible... |
... but sometimes the kids get a turn too! |
How cute are these guys? |
The three amigos |
Look at that personality! I truly think she's an old soul. |
Sharing a joke with her dad... |
... and then another good laugh about being a pumpkin head |
Quick shot with Katharine (my fabulous midwife) on the day 1 home check-in |
Day 3: Falling into a rhythm of sorts
It's pretty amazing to see the three of them together |
My mom's happy place |
Sometimes when you want snuggles, you have to triple up and share |
Katharine comes back for the day 3 check-in, and to see how much weight Hazel has lost and recovered post-birth |
8 lbs, 12 ounces - almost back to birth weight! Like I said, a nursing champ |
The photoshoots: Both kids got to choose an outfit of choice for Hazel (and for them), and then got to hold her for a bunch of photos. We then decided to take advantage of the glorious afternoon light, and do our first family shots as well.
The superhero holds the beautiful princess |
So many kisses! (though I have tried to keep them away from her actual face as much as possible) |
Close up on Hazel, who has been pretty consistently finding her thumb when she's in need of a suck. She might just be a genius baby. |
Juniper's pick: a little hand-embroidered linen/cotton dress |
Proud big sister! |
Clark in the hammock swing (no costume change, but beautiful light!) |
The family shot... |
... and of course, the silly shot! |
Happy to be part of the world! |
If you hadn't noticed by now, Hazel looks a *little* bit like Juniper did when she was born. Uncannily so. For reference:
Juniper, Day 3 |
Hazel, Day 3 |
Need I say more? All right, I'm sure there will be a little urchin demanding some milk very soon, and then begins the nightly struggle of how best to sleep as much as possible. I'm pretty much planning to just be perpetually tired for the next little while, but I must say that it's balanced at least a little by the amount of newborn cuteness and snuggles that we have all been treated to.
The challenge going forward will be to figure out a way to keep Juniper and Linden properly entertained while simultaneously staying sane, and re-learning how to parent a newborn. It's still pretty surreal, I have to admit. But I imagine this will be easier to manage than it was with a newborn and a two-year-old (like we did the last time), and I am still riding the high of no longer being pregnant. Holy crap, it is nice to be past that stage - that was a lonnnngggg haul.
I'm sure there will be many more photos and stories in the days to come, so stay tuned for when I next muster the energy to check back in. I will leave you with this little note, that we found when we got home from the hospital:
Welcome to the world Sweet Hazel and congratulation little jewel as you have been blessed to be part of this amazing family. Your big sister and brother will shower you in so much love, guide you wisely having once been in your shoes and having learned so much and your mom and dad will be there unconditionally meeting all your needs, even when you do not want them too. You are now part of an exciting world with so much to explore and lucky for you your family is also made up of 4 ultimate explorers who will show you the ropes, or maybe you will end up showing them too. Congratulations to your family also. Juniper, Linden, Tara and Clark, she is just gorgeous and I trust that she will keep you all on your toes, bring you much joy and laughter, teach you many things as you will her and most of all with will cause your heart to grow 3 times their sizes in order to hold all the love that there will be between you all. Being such kind and wonderful people already so full of love for everyone and everything I suspect that sounds impossible because your hearts are already so big and full. I believe it will happen however so once again, congratulations on now being a family of five and big hugs to you all. xoxoxo PS - Juniper, I love your note to your sister, so very sweet and thoughtful.
Dear Tara and Clarke,
Congratulations! You all look so happy and relieved to have her with you. That picture of Hazel smiling in Clarke's lap just about killed me. Good luck with the new rhythm of life. I survived by declaring the month after Xanthe's birth "tv month" -- it's now been 5 years and counting!
xxoo Fiona
Congratulations family of five! What lovely photos, and I hope you all can continue to bask in that new baby bliss/joyful chaos as long as possible. Juniper and Linden look so sweet as the proud big sibs. (My recollection is our mum survived by getting the older ones to help a LOT, and probably yours did too!) Much love and hugs.
This whole post is FABULUS!!! hahahahaha! Such a beautiful family. :)
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