For some time now, I've been working my way towards putting together this particular post, but it kept getting pushed. In part, this was because my days had no downtime until school started. Then, as soon as that routine commenced, we got hit with Dorian, and were faced with no power, and then no school.
More than that, however, I think I've been feeling overwhelmed by the sheer size of the task. So many photos, so many stories... do I cram them all into one huge post? Divide them up into smaller, thematically digestible bits? As I pondered the best way to proceed, nothing got done. Eventually, I buckled down, decided to shove everything into one post, and chipped away for two weeks until finally, (finally!), I was finished. And then... as I saved it and went to post, I found out that Blogger had, I don't know, eaten? the last half. THE LAST HALF. So then I started again.
Another shot of all three cuties |
And so, much later than planned, here you have it: all of summer, from where the last post left off, right up until life started to normalize again around here. Buckle up, it's going to be looooonnnnggg!
**(As a side note, this is most likely the last time I'll use Blogger. It nearly tore my soul in half to have to redo all this work. So, if anyone reading this has suggestions for better blogging platforms, I'm all ears! No matter what I decide to go with, however, we still own, so you'll always be able to find the blog, no matter what platform I use.)**
As the last post suggested, July was to begin with a bang, and then gather momentum as it went along. The first order of business was an important one: celebrating both Hazel AND Juniper's birthday. Juniper, as she has done many times in the past, had already spent months contemplating and planning her party. Knowing we would be in New Brunswick for her actual birthday, she campaigned for a friends party before we left, and decreed that we would make it a joint birthday with Hazel. So of course, that's just what we did:
The whole party crew |
Juniper, cutting her cake (marble, by request) |
Hazel had her own birthday treat: strawberry shortcake... |
... which, of course, she demanded to eat on her own, with her own fork. |
On the actual DAY that she turned 1, Hazel was introduced to ice cream for the first time, with her very own cone. She thought it was pretty awesome. |
Her birthday present: a tiny Hazel-sized pool |
As Juniper so kindly demonstrated: emphasis on the tiny |
From a little impromptu photoshoot I decided to conduct when Hazel asked to put on this backpack... |
And another from when she was wearing this adorable dress |
Seriously, do you get much cuter than this? |
Just outside of Fredericton, there is this lovely lake by the name of Yoho. On this lake, the Bidlake family owns a little piece of heaven, in the shape of red cottage and a dock. This has been an integral part of many wonderful memories as I grew up, and now we are at the point where our kids get to enjoy it every summer just as we did. Pretty amazing, right?
Juniper, Linden and Zack having a blast despite the grey day. |
It was fitting, then, that it was the site of a little girlfriend reunion this summer. Not just any reunion, though - one where we got to sing "Happy 40th" to each other, which felt like a pretty big milestone. Somehow, we managed to assemble a gathering of very busy, far-flung friends (Erin J all the way from Korea!), for one night of yummy food and swimming and ridiculous dress-up and long chats. Before the girls-only festivities began, however, we got to have a little family-time fun:
Oh, those ridiculous boys! |
Obligatory Yoho card game |
The crowd begins to gather, and an (again, obligatory) guitar is produced |
Three old friends |
Window hugs |
A shot with *almost* everyone.... |
... and then another when Christie arrived! |
All extraneous family members leave, and the serious reunion business begins |
Black and White group shot with the surprise tote bags from Erin B.
After the Yoho Reunion, we had a week of relative downtime. I spent most of those days in my happy place: using Deborah's (ie, my mother-in-law's) awesome pottery studio. Clark had a whole bunch of daddy-daughter time with Hazel, and the older kids went to camp. This, however, was not just any camp - my mom sprung for a VERY exciting week at the Fredericton Pony Club, where they learned to ride and care for horses. It all culminated in a horse show, for which they had a pretty stellar turnout.

Juniper and Liz just happened to match very nicely that day! |
Linden concentrating very hard during his class in the show |
Juniper, a little more relaxed during hers. They both got to ride the same horse: Beau, one of their favourites. |
Linden, with his ribbon... |
... and Juniper, with hers. |
Afterwards, with their biggest fans. |
Sunrise along the Wolastoq (i.e. the Saint John River). Hazel took to waking up earlier than usual so Clark would just strap her on and go for a walk. |
Faye's good friend Deirdre loaned us their Chariot while we were there, and Clark put it to good use. Hazel is a fan of getting biked around. |
It just so happened that the 40th Annual General Assembly of First Nations was taking place in Fredericton this year. Hazel was interested. |
Part 3: FUNDY (and some pre-Fundy)
Just as horse camp week came to a close, the first of the exciting out-of-towners started to arrive (in preparation for the big birthday bash for my mom, which will get chronicled further along). These first arrivals were also the ones from farthest away: Faye and Derrick, who live in Freetown, Sierra Leone. And like the true adventurous spirits that they are, they had only been in Fredericton a few days before they headed out with Clark and the older two kids on a little hiking and backpacking adventure along the Fundy Footpath. Derrick, who is originally from Wisconsin, had never been to the East Coast at all (in Canada OR the US), so they made sure to get in as much New Brunswick awesomeness as they could.
The day Faye arrived, my cousin Claire also had a party at her house to see her sister Julia and her family (cousins, second generation!) Here is a photo with *almost* all the kids |
Faye not only brought some matching outfits from Sierra Leone, she also brought her hair braiding skills! |
Juniper was a little more patient than her brother. He needs to learn the "book for every occasion" life philosophy. |
Visiting with Kelli |
Back to Yoho for Erin's 40th! |
Cute girl, red cottage |
A sunny day swim! |
Mish and the birthday girl share a laugh |
(The Fundy Adventure photos are a mix of ones taken by Clark, Faye and Derrick ((I believe Derrick was the main contributor)), and Clark was in charge captioning them.)
Clark here: I'd been planning to work a camping trip into our summer plans, and had decided that a little backpacking trip into one of my favourite spots on the
Fundy Footpath -- Little Salmon River -- would be a good introduction to backcountry camping for the kids. Turned out Faye and Derrick were also interested in doing some camping, so we hatched a plan and spent a day or two preparing (mostly food) once they arrived from Sierra Leone.
From Fredericton we drove to one of the Fundy Footpath access trails (down an old rough logging road) which ends up leaving only about a 4km hike down to the Little Salmon River. The kids carried their own gear (clothes, sleeping bags, sleeping pads, snacks, and water) and Faye and Derrick and I split up the rest. The kids were troopers -- the hike into the river involves descending about 250m, with a trail that skirts along the edge of a very steep river valley. Linden was a little nervous about falling off the trail, but took it slow (for once!) and we made it with no injuries.
At the access trailhead, ready to start hiking! |
3 intrepid hikers. The first (flat) part of the trail followed an old ATV trail. There are no photos of the descent because everyone was focusing too hard on not falling. |
Panoramic view of the Little Salmon River. Our campsite is on the right. |
Despite sunny days the entire time we were there, the fog would roll in and out (almost like the tide). |
Linden played with rocks, in the river, for HOURS. |
After setting up camp, we took a little stroll (at low tide) out to the mouth of the estuary to see the Bay of Fundy. The weather was sunny and warm at the campsite, but the classic Fundy fog bank kept rolling in and out of the valley as we got closer to the ocean. |
Intrepid explorer |
The Little Salmon River was actually a bustling logging hub about 100 years ago. Hard to believe, given how remote the area seems now, but there are lots of old remnants of industrial activity (see the old pier in the above photo).
Walking on the ocean floor (in the fog) |
Linden became obsessed with building "campfire pits" using the river stones. We did end up using one of them for a little fire on our second night. It worked very well. |
The actual day of Juniper's birthday, we did a hike upriver to visit the "Eye of the Needle" -- a narrow gorge with 30m high cliffs that are part of the Walton Glen Brook. There is no "trail", you just have to walk in the river. |
The Eye of the Needle. This section required commitment to get through. It was a warm day but the water was brisk! |
Taking a little dip at our lunchtime stop. |
The best part about hiking in the wilderness is that if your clothes get wet you can just hike in your underwear. |
Another swim at a perfect little river pool on the hike back to camp. |
10/10 |
Instead of a birthday cake, we make a "S'mores pie", which was a layer of cookies with chocolate, covered in roasted marshmallows, topped with gummy bears, and then further heated (and melted) on the stove for a few minutes. |
10 years old! |
It tasted pretty good, too. |
"Caption this" |
"Boy discovers (and becomes obsessed with) fire" |
On the hike back out. Linden was a champ climbing back up the steep hill. It was actually easier for him than on the way down because he wasn't as afraid of falling over the steep bank. |
At the top of the hill. Still in good spirits! |
Back at the trailhead, and some well-deserved lunch before piling back in the van to go get sticky buns (from Alma) and visit the Hopewell Rocks. |
You can't go to the Bay of Fundy without visiting the Hopewell Rocks. This was the first time I wasn't able to find a single crab hiding in the kelp. |
Strutting their stuff on the ocean floor. |
Classic flowerpot rocks shot. |
When the adventurers got back from their Fundy trip, things started heating up for Mom's big bash. Really, this mostly just meant that the rest of the long-distance travellers began arriving, and there was therefore a kind of base-level chaos at most points during any given day. But it was fun!
Hazel enjoyed picking raspberries... |
... and then helping Mary make her beloved raspberry jam. |
Hazel was constantly asking my dad to pick her up to help with the crossword... |
... or computer games, as the case may be. |
Great Aunt Janie arrived! |
Happy to see Faye and Derrick back |
Hazel is apparently not picky about whose shirt her hand is down (p.c. Faye) |
Lots of yummy meals on the deck |
The Samarasakara/Simmonds Family arrives! Hazel and Ben talk cleaning techniques. |
Jacob, mid-stump-jump demonstration |
Sampling the garden produce... |
... and sharing with her cool older cousin |
Look at that smile! |
Hazel finally gets a moment to discuss footwear, which is one of her very favourite topics |
Hilarious cuddles |
Janie and Graeme |
Bright dress, worn stairs |
This stump is just an all-round great place to take photos |
Classic |
Odell Park stroll |
Part 5: Mom's big 70th Birthday Bash
After all the planning, and all of the guests arriving safe and sound, the big day finally came. Awhile back, when we asked mom what she wanted to do for her 70th, she was very clear that she wanted it to be family only, for the sake of reining it in. In our family, however, this is actually not a small feat, as we are numerous, and live in some pretty disparate locales. And so, although it was a few weeks before her actual birthday, it somehow all came together, and almost everyone actually made it! Ironically, two no-shows in the end were Linden and Clark... Linden started throwing up about 2 hours before the party, and Clark, of course, stayed behind with him. Sigh.
Anyway, Kelli and Jamie very graciously hosted it at their house, and we had a gorgeous afternoon and evening, and I think mom had a great time.
Party ladies! |
The (almost) whole gang |
Mom and dad (in their African finery), share a laugh |
My pretty girls |
Dinesh and Ben (aka mini-D) |
Taylor and Juniper, looking very colour-coordinated |
Hazel contemplates the sidewalk chalk |
drawing with Jacob |
Chatting on the deck |
Juniper and Steve |
The girls with David and Jess |
Sharing a moment. These two are only a month and a bit apart, but look at how big Ben is! |
(caught a few moments after the photo: a video that will undoubtedly stand the test of time)
Mike and Juniper |
I get a shot before Hazel makes a break for it |
Mom cuts into her very fancy (and delicious!) birthday cake |
Part 6: Post-party shenanigans
After mom's party, we had a few days to hang out with people we almost never get to see, so obviously we made the most of it!
We are VERY lucky to have friends with beautiful pools who welcome us in during the summer. Hazel (aka "Pool Lounge Queen" heartily agrees) |
Jacob's favourite poolside activity |
Hazel was into it too |
Post-swim attempt at a cousin's group shot. Oh, Ben. |
Bandana boys |
Hanging with uncle Mike |
Look at these awesome people! (with Leah, Ethan and Michael) |
Hey look! I was there too! |
Like she does every time she comes home, Faye had some "ashobi" made for the kids - tailor-made clothes in matching fabric |
Clearly, we had to get a group shot... |
... which is WAY easier said than done. And sometimes includes a baby-sized mop. |
Ben was the weak link. But, if we're being honest, no one was bringing their A game here. |
But look how cute they are! |
And look how happy that mop makes her! |
Watching my failed attempts. For some reason, Andrea looks super tiny. |
I'm not sure how Linden got that bandana back on, but it matches Jacob's pants really nicely |
Well... it won't win any awards, but no one is crying! |
Ben is no question a daddy's boy. |
I honestly don't know what is happening here, but it clearly had to be posted |
A New Brunswick adventure is never complete without a visit to the Richards family farm. This trip was as lovely as ever, full of all the things that everyone (respectively, in some cases) looks forward to: relaxing in the gorgeous new sunroom/hot tub, helping with the haying, getting some beach time, boating, fishing... the list goes on and and on. The only blight on this particular trip was the Norwalk-type gastro that hit just before we left NB to come back to NS. It was rotten, and spread like wildfire. My dad ended up in the hospital, the farm was like a plague station, Andrea and crew took it home with them to Vancouver. Yuck. Luckily, however, I got a whole bunch of good photos before that awfulness hit.
How cute are these two? |
Very little in life is more satisfying to Hazel than a chair that is just her size |
Red door, hot pink dress |
The sunroom in all its glory |
Celebrating a belated first birthday for Hazel |
The homemade cake and homemade ice cream was 100% Hazel approved. |
There is something so lovely about this amazing old workhorse of a tractor and the waiting hayfield |
The beautiful beach and the Saint John River |
On an evening stroll for our (13th!?) wedding anniversary |
Sparkling, sunny day |
Hazel appreciates it as well. Lots of rock throwing to do. |
Hazel in the Linden tree |
Haying commences! |
The happy helpers, perched atop the load |
View from the top |
If we had a belated happy birthday for Hazel, we needed one for Juniper as well! |
Someone was VERY unhappy about the life jacket situation... |
... but was quite content when allowed to have some beach play |
Two peas in a pod |
Another super fun beach activity: cover everything in dirt, including your hat |
Juniper, meanwhile, found a comfy spot, a snack, and a book. Classic. |
Clark does a bit of fishing |
Trying to catch some minnows |
A wooden ladder and a barn full of hay: quintessential summer farm |
Mandatory "small adorable child on woodpile" shot |
And another, looking at the camera |
Linden, rarely content to sit. |
Linden helps Grandpa pick potato bugs off the garden produce |
Clark takes Hazel on an early morning (still PJ-clad) walk, and she gets to "drive" the tractor all by herself |
Another early morning daddy-daughter stroll |
This is the first in a series of photos I took one day... |
... because of the INCREDIBLE clouds. |
Look at these! Aren't they beautiful? |
Like a raging river in the sky. |
Hazel thinks everything Linden does is pretty much the best |
Juniper, likely imaging herself in the pretty gowns |
Linden, enjoying some Grandpa snuggles |
We found our old wagon! |
Juniper and Linden run for the joy of it... |
... and then take over the job of pushing/pulling Hazel around, like the princess that she is |
Fields make for such lovely photos |
Three pretty great kids, if I do say so myself |
Watching Clark fly a kite |
Sisters! |
We thought it would be a great photo op to get Hazel and the hand-carved bear, Woody. |
Hazel did NOT agree. |
The kids love digging clay from the beach, and making objects. This year, Linden went a step further, and built a "kiln" out of the beach bricks to try firing their creations. |
Mid-fire. They were pretty thrilled with the whole process. |
We took a day trip back to Fredericton to hang with Andrea and crew one last time before they left... |
... and I managed to get ONE shot, where Ben was not crying, and almost everyone was looking at the camera. Win! |
Hazel, thrilled to have the whole chair to herself. |
Back at the farm, Bill and Barb took Linden fishing. At first, all they got was seaweed.... |
... but then they both landed a fish! Linden was SUPER pumped. |
Part 8: Back in NS
Having pulled ourselves out of gastro-hell, and somehow packed everything in the van, we left New Brunswick to head back home. But the adventure wasn't over yet! A few hours after we pulled into the house, Faye and Derrick arrived via bus, to spend the last few days of their Canadian trip with us in Nova Scotia. Naturally, we tried to show them (Derrick in particular, who had never been here) a good time.
First up: after careful consideration, it was decided Crystal Crescent was the right adventure to show Derrick the classic Nova Scotia bouldery coastline |
Though no one had planned to swim, a few crazies braved the very cold water... |
... including Derrick! (You'll notice Faye is nice and dry) |
Beautiful Crystal Crescent |
Resting among the boulders |
Willing (and happy) tour guides! |
We also did some canoeing along the Shubie Canal |
We got to host some visiting Fredericton friends for dinner! Jane, Mike and Poppy and Lily came for some evening hang-outs |
Naturally, it all culminated in a front yard bubble party... |
... that went full on wild when the Triff kids wandered over as well! |
Hazel was particularly fond of Derrick, and would actually lounge with him |
Because Derrick had brought along his Nintendo Switch, this became a much-requested treat: family Mario Cart! |
One last group shot before taking Faye and Derrick to the airport for their long trip home |
Phew! Ok, I've now done this ridiculous post TWICE, and it is time to call it quits. Stay tuned, as I already have loads of pictures from the last (more than a) month of life that has happened between this last picture and today. But first, I have to figure out if I'm going to be wrapping my head around a whole new platform first. So check if you want to stay tuned!
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