I got it into my head a couple of months ago that I wanted to line the baby's room with painted stars. After looking and looking for plain wooden stars, I ended up having to order a bunch off of ebay, and then took a couple of days to paint and decorate. It has taken awhile but finally, Clark and I managed to find a bit of time last night to hang them. This means that the baby's room is almost done! Likely the baby won't actually sleep here for awhile yet (s/he will sleep in our room for awhile, I imagine), but it feels nice to have it almost organized, and decorated, and to know where to find everything we need. The bird mobile won't stay in the middle of the room, but it looks nice there for the time being. Also, you can't see all the stars in these pictures, but they go the whole length of the room. There are 54 in total.

It has been very hot and sunny in Halifax today and yesterday, which is a bit of a shock to the system after seemingly endless weeks of cold, drizzly overcast weather. Though it finally feels like summer, I find myself feeling incredibly big and sweaty and hot and uncomfortable. So this is what it is like to be very very pregnant in the summer! But I won't complain. Clark and I went to see the parade of tall ships from Point Pleasant Park today in the peak of the afternoon heat, which meant WAY more walking (about 1.5 hours in total) and sitting in the sun than either of us had anticipated. We agreed at the end that we won't try that again unless I'm actively trying to induce labour.
I LOVE them!
ps. Hey....what about some props to the original creator of said stars, many years ago?
I thought I had given you props! My mistake. Obviously a symptom of pregnancy brain. Props goes to Zsofi, who inspired the idea for these painted stars. Many years ago, she painted some as Christmas gifts, and I've kept them around as decorations ever since. One day I just noticed them randomly, and thought how nice it would be to do a whole bunch for the baby's room, and voila!
I still have mine hanging in my office, Z!
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