Wednesday, October 28, 2009

October visits!

Well, it's been almost a month since we got back from Fredericton, and I have hit that awkward stage where I have all these things that I have been meaning to post about, but there are now enough of them that I feel stymied every time I sit down to write. Where do I start? Do I try to post chronologically? By event? Do I smush everything into one post, or just string it out over a week, or what? Well, folks, I don't know the answer to that question yet, but at least I have now officially started the process. (This picture has nothing to do with anything, really, except that I wanted an excuse to put it in):

So... let's see. Why not start with some visits? People meeting Juniper for the first time is always important to post about, AND there are always pictures to go along with it! Shortly after getting back from Fredericton, my cousin Julia and her significant other, Riley, stopped by for a visit. Although they live in Halifax, they are both ridiculously busy (med and law students, respectively), and Julia had been fighting a cold for awhile, and (very nicely) didn't want to pass on her germs. So this was the first time either of them had actually met Juniper in person. As you can see from the photo, Juniper was quite tickled by the visit!

Another first time visitor was our friend Lydia, who we grew up with in Fredericton. It was a lovely visit, except that it was unfortunately timed with what I believe was a growth spurt on Juniper's part - that is, in was in the middle of a good week of cranky-pants-edness. poor Lydia would try and hold Juniper, and she would only stand for it for a couple of minutes at a time before she turned on the crank. This was one of the only pictures I managed to snap where Juniper wasn't crying - a good one except for the unfortunate placement of two tines of our hanging star above Lydia's head, giving her lovely purple horns. Ah well.

A very special visitor this month was our dear friend Judith, who came all the way from Manitoba to meet her honourary niece. Although we missed seeing Simon (Judith's husband), who was not able to get the time off of work, it was a huge treat to be able to spend some good solid time with Judith. Juniper obviously adored Judith, and essentially just smiled at her all weekend long. As you can see from the picture, they even have very similar taste - one morning, Judith and Juniper found that they had quite coincidentally worn the same leg warmers! How embarrassing :) We went on nice long walks, made some yummy meals, stayed up far too late chatting, watched a movie... essentially all the things we used to love doing when we lived in St. John's together, except with a new little addition to the festivities.

Finally, both Juniper and I got to meet Brent (my sister Faye's significant other), for the first time last weekend (Clark had already met Brent on a couple of occasions). Faye and Brent came up to Halifax for the Pop Explosion, and seeing as my parents were also visiting, Carroll and Stephen very generously invited everyone over for dinner on Saturday night. Faye was, unfortunately, quite sick with a cold, and seeing as Brent was quite possibly contaminated as well, neither of them were actually allowed to hold Juniper (what stickler parents she has!) Thus the rather funny picture of Faye and Brent with Juniper hovering in the background in my mother's arms.

And.... well, that's all for new visitors, I guess, although we did have a lovely visit with my parents last weekend - they came up so that Clark and I could go to a concert one evening (more on that later), but mom and Juniper and I especially had some fun times doing things like snuggling (mostly mom and Juniper snuggling, that is), making clothes (more on that later as well), and we went on an especially lovely walk in Point Pleasant Park on Monday before mom and dad left for Fredericton.

Also, Clark's sister Theresa came to Halifax for a visit for the Thanksgiving long weekend, which was quite lovely. We hung out, went for walks, visited coffee shops, and prepared a nice Thanksgiving meal that we shared with our next door neighbours (/landlords) Erika and Wesley.

Whew! I think that is quite enough to constitute a blog post all on its own. Stay tuned though - I actually have a bunch more to post about, and now that I've broken the seal, I'll probably be updating pretty regularly in the coming week or so.

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