In honour of earth day, my big plan had been to make Juniper a special little earth day outfit... I had visions of a cute little dress with a planet on it or some such thing. However, my sewing machine has been dying a slow death, and I decided to bite the bullet and just splurge on a new one, which only arrived today. So perhaps the earth day dress will materialize... just not in time for earth day itself. Ah well. Here was my compromise: Juniper sitting in the grass in earthy greens and a floral dress. Not bad!

So, what's new since the last post? Biggest headline: Juniper is on her way to officially being among the toothed! I tried very hard to demonstrate this in a picture, but there is only the tiniest little stub poking through at the moment, so it is simply too elusive. But when it truly shows itself, I'll be sure to post it asap. She is quite behind in this respect - many of her little buddies got teeth a long time ago. But apparently I was also late breaking teeth, so perhaps this shouldn't be overly surprising. In lieu of a tooth picture, here is a picture of some of said buddies. I know I post pictures of them all the time, but aren't they all adorable?

In other news, Juniper can now get just about anywhere - and anything - that she wants to. She crawls wherever she needs to go, but her main shtick these days is pulling herself up on everything she can possibly reach, and seeing what new (and preferably off-limits) things she can get her hands on. It is really and truly exhausting trying to keep up with her. We have put gates on the stairs, but still have a ways to go in order to really and truly "baby-proof" things. Wires, garbage cans, instruments - anything that looks like it is likely not a toy and at least slightly dangerous are the top prizes.
As relatively tame examples (the regular more dangerous ones have me running for Juniper, not the camera), Juniper was thrilled when she got the opportunity to help sort the Lock & Lock drawer:
And was quite pleased with herself when she discovered a tissue box that had somehow made its way to the floor:
She also enjoys walking her way from place to place (as long as there is something to hold onto), and even practices letting go sometimes to test her balance. Here are some videos to demonstrate:
And just because it's too cute NOT to post, here are some particularly choice snippets from a duet that Juniper and Patrick played this weekend:
OK, that's all for now - I want to publish this while it is still, in fact, earth day. More soon!
Patrick's enthusiasm for the song at the end of that video is truly inspiring!
Oh I love it. Especially the kleenex box and the piano duet!
You guys needs to send that stroller company that pic--that is just freaky!
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