Friday, November 8, 2013

Friday update

Happy Friday!  Here are some pictures from the week:

Here is Juniper a few hours after her first dose of antibiotics. She looks so sick when I see the picture now, but she looked like a million bucks at the time.

Using the art supplies from the Hallowe'en Fairy. Juniper planned for quite awhile before she settled on using her special canvas for her piece entitled "Fish".

Juniper has decided to start wearing scarves.  Specifically, this scarf - one of mine, which I have now just given her.  Juniper thinks she looks like our dear friend Judith when she's wearing it.

Pizza night!  Linden is given his own dough to roll for the first time.  He LOVED being big enough to make his own pizza.

Have a great weekend!  See you back here next Friday, unless I have some reason to post before then.

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