Monday, February 17, 2014

Oh, February

Linden, avidly watching his dad shovel snow
February.  What a sneaky month.  So short, and yet it drags on so, doesn't it?.  Clark is about to escape this cold (and at times) dreary February as he jets off to Hawaii, attending a big annual oceanography conference, and leaving us in our little winter wonderland to fend for ourselves.  That's actually not entirely true… my mother will be arriving only a couple of days after Clark leaves, so really I have nothing to complain about, other than the fact that I am not ALSO going to Hawaii.  Another time, I suppose.

Sliding with Liz
So, the big news around here is that the past week was Linden's first two days at daycare. And how did it go, you ask? Honestly, it was as though he has been going for many months.  He LOVES it. There were a few tears shed on the first day, but they were not Linden's - they were mine (and only a few brief ones, I promise).  You have to understand that, despite the ups and downs that go along with being your kid's sole provider for most of the week, for better or for worse, you have a constant side-kick.  This makes his absence - for two FULL days - very tangible. But I am quite encouraged by his first week, and I think it will likely be very good for both of us, so I am embracing it as whole-heartedly as I can.
Making a snowperson
Other than that, we have been enjoying this unusually cold and snowy winter as fully as possible, with a ridiculous amount of snow play and sliding, and warming ourselves with blankets and snuggles and books (and meeting one particularly handsome brand new baby named Eli!).  This is, of course, the flip side to cold, dreary old February - it does bring some fun as well, if you go looking for it.

Winter at it's most beautiful
Juniper, hard at work at Clark's office, one morning when I had Linden in for his annual check-up
And… what else?  I realized recently that I have not been noting quotes very often, and I really should.  Here are some gems I have collected from Juniper recently:

(this one will be familiar to anyone who saw me post it to Facebook):
•"Sometimes, when I'm standing there, and people are talking, and talking and talking, I just think 'boooooorrrrring!'"

(the other day, in the car, a propos of nothing):
•Mom, you don't look like an adult - you look like a teenager."

(While working on a Valentine's Day card for me):
• "Mom, when you see what I have drawn for you, your heart won't even be able to stand it, because it is so beautiful and full of love"

(When I asked her to stop doing something that was likely particularly annoying, she stomped her foot, gave an exasperated sigh, and said):
•"Mom, why are you ALWAYS disturbing me?"

(Upon asking what is for dinner):
• "Oh my gosh, I LOVE lasagna.  I LOVE it.  I wish I could eat it every day, all day long, breakfast, lunch and supper.  And you know whose lasagna I love the most?  Yours.  I love all your cooking the best" (I swear to god, that is how it went down.  Then again, the next day, when she asked what was for supper, and I said "carrot soup", she wrinkled her nose and said "yuck.  I don't like the taste of that in my mouth." So, you know. Take it when you can get it, I suppose.)

Have a great week!


Unknown said...

I absolutely agree with Juniper about the Lasagna. That's why you never see a 4-portion recipe - you always need to make enough to ensure there are left overs. :)

Anonymous said...

I would love to see a picture of the valentine's day card so full of love … :)!