Monday, September 15, 2014


Pre-bed piggy-back
This past week has felt very... epic.  This was Juniper's first full week of kindergarten, and Linden's first full week of child centre (though he doesn't go every day like Juniper does).  My mom and Clark traded places halfway through the week, and though we are all more than a little exhausted, we have tried grasping at the first blurry edges of a fall routine.
We are not quite there yet, of course - that will take time.  But I have to say I consider it all to be a pretty big success - if even because we have so far (KNOCK ON WOOD) remained healthy!  I know that the fall grossness will hit us at some point, but for now, we have been able to enjoy this fabulous time of the year, while we settle into all the newness.

So what, you may ask, does this have to do with mushrooms?  Nothing, really, save the fact that in all the busy-ness of the week and the new routine, I took very few pictures.  So instead, I bring you a little gallery of photos I accumulated in the height of summer, all featuring mushrooms.  Most were from around close to where we live in the Cape, though there are also a few from New Brunswick. Some were taken with the good camera, others were taken with my phone while I was out and about.

I actually know very little about wild mushrooms, other than I find them fascinating, beautiful, and a little bit magical.  So I became obsessed with documenting all of the ones I found while they were at their peak.  I also know that this may be of little to no interest to anyone but myself, but hopefully someone gets at least a little enjoyment out of them!

See you next week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Scott loves the mushroom photos Tara :)