Monday, November 24, 2014

Weekend visitors!

The only way to get Linden to sit for a group shot: put him in a tree
This will be a short little post - we had some special visitors over the weekend (Clark's mom Deborah and step-dad Yvon), and though we had a fun, jam-packed few days, I didn't ever really pause to document it.  There was some park-playing, some pottery-making, some eating out, AND, Clark and I had a date night while the kids got to go to Friendly's and stay up late watching Kipper (I should mention that Deborah managed all of this with a newly broken ankle and walking cast). Clark and I had planned on going to a really fun-sounding performance in the Village, but that got cancelled at the last minute.  So instead, we went (for the first time, if you can imagine!) the cinema pub in Falmouth.  I've never been to such a place - there is a big movie screen on one end, and the theatre is filled with tables and comfy swivel chairs.  There are waiters and waitresses who come by, and you order food and drinks, and watch your movie in comfort.  It was really fun!  We might even bring the kids to see their first movie there at some point - it seems like a pretty great way to do it.

Experiencing the joys of compost
Apart from the visit, the week was mostly pretty par for the course.  On Thursday, however, I volunteered to go on a field trip with Linden's preschool - a trip to a local compost farm.  The destination was pretty cool (I was, I think, as excited to see the facilities as the kids!), but Linden was at full mischievousness.  Instead of listening to the explanations and exploring the wonders of compost, I was mostly engaged trying to prevent/reprimand Linden for running at and tackling other children, and pulling him (by the back of his jacket), off of the big compost piles that he was trying to climb.  Sigh. 
The master builder with his village-in-progress
 As I type, Linden is playing with his trucks and trains (which, he still insists, "beep up", rather than "back up").  He likes to announce to everyone that he is a "constructionist" (maybe a construction worker?)  We are also, as you can see, heavy into blocks at the moment -- this means that, between the cars and trains and blocks, there are always (ALWAYS) tonnes of tiny things to step on a clean up.
Juniper: self portrait
Juniper, on the other hand, is all about reading, writing and drawing/painting.  Her people have evolved into entities with bodies and fingers and toes, and - as the case may be - glasses.  She is also concerned with details now - for instance, whenever she draws family portraits, she makes sure to point out that I am the only one with blue eyes. She is getting very adept at sounding out words, and with a little context (for instance, pictures in books), she can read a surprising amount. She also loves writing and illustrating her own books (which reminds me of someone else at that age!) This morning I had a note waiting for me when I woke up that simply had 6 hearts, and the message: "we love you". Not a bad way to wake up!

Linden and I are about to leave to do a little grocery shopping and carousel riding in Hyannis... usually we go for an outdoor adventure on our mama-Linden days, but the rain and wind has deterred me this morning.  Hope everyone has a wonderful (American Thanksgiving) week!


Linda Sprague said...

You blog is lovely Tara. What a great way to store and share memories.

Tara said...

Thank-you, Linda! I love knowing that people read and enjoy the blog.