All costumed and ready for school (Photo compliments of our neighbour Julie) |
This is, of course, the obligatory (and fun!) post-Hallowe'en post. (It is also, incidentally, the first post in a long time that I can't take credit for a single one of the photos).
Juniper wanted to be a bluebird this year, so I got out the fabric and felt, and did the best I could. I think we were both pleased with the results - it is simple, effective, and will hopefully come out lots of times in future dress-up games. I had big plans to also make Linden's costume, but as the day quickly approached, it became clear that the path of least resistance would be to simply put him in his brand new superhero costume that he got for his birthday. He clearly did not care one way or the other, and when I got over my weird guilt for not putting him in something homemade, I was able to admire what an adorable superhero he made :)
On Hallowe'en night I donned our much-used wizard costume (though it was a teensy bit small on a grown up), and I refused to let Clark leave the house until he at least put on the felt flower petals that Juniper wore last year. We were, by all accounts, a very festive family. The Hallowe'en fairy was a big hit again this year, and somehow managed to bring
exactly what Juniper had been hoping for (sparkly paints and paint brushes, among other things).
Anyway, here are the photos from the week - I hope you all
had a wonderful Hallowe'en as well!
Taking flight at the super-fun Woods Hole Spooktacular event the evening before Hallowe'en |
The bluebird and the chickadee were super excited to find each other! (Juniper and Helen) |
Grumpy bird (Hallowe'en night, before trick-or-treating) |
About to head off! (bluebird had improved her attitude) |
Leading the way ("alright guys, lets find the next house, and get more candy!") |
And finally, a couple of random shots from the weekend:
Group hair styling session |
We couldn't resist the photo booth at the Hyannis mall! |
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