The "smack-dab in our MID-thirties" selfie |
This week was my birthday week. Not just the week of my birthday, mind you - my birthday WEEK. What - you don't all get birthday weeks? You must not all have mega-planner 5-year-olds, who love a reason to celebrate. This week, I was woken up every morning by Juniper reminding me of exactly what day it was with respect to the 15th. "Good morning! It's 6:45am! Four days until your birthday!" "Good morning! It is 6:45am! 3 days until your birthday!" And so on. There were also many, many secrets and surprises afoot. Gifts, cakes, a party... the list went on and on. Since Juniper was in charge (a self-appointed party planner, of course), she set the rules, and she was the official keeper of secrets.
A beautiful birthday bouquet |
As you might imagine, however, a 5-year-old keeper of secrets is a very, very difficult role to fill. By the time my actual birthday rolled around, I was filled in on the following facts: I was going to be treated to breakfast in bed, I was going to be having a home-made brownie cake, and that the day after my birthday there would be a surprise party wherein the next door neighbours would come over. Juniper even told me what they were going to be making me for dinner that night. As the end of the day drew near, however, she was filled with remorse. "I'm sorry I spoiled all your surprises", she apologised tearily. "Everyone else can keep secrets, but I just can't". We agreed, however, that she hadn't told me what she was going to be wearing, or where people were going to be hiding when they yelled "surprise!", so really it could be counted as a success in the end.
Birthday Girl and helper blowing out the candles in the eerie glow of the flashing numbers |
The actual day of my birthday didn't go quite as planned - I had envisioned sending everyone off to school and work, and then taking the morning to do some yoga, go on a nice long walk, maybe watch a movie or read, then spend the afternoon at the pottery studio. A truly indulgent day off. As it so happens, however, Juniper woke up the night before, and puked. This is the second time this has happened in the last two weeks. Completely isolated incidents, completely random, and seemingly no other symptoms before or after. The upshot was that I spent the night barely sleeping (I am weird and paranoid when it comes to all things vomit-related), and also that Juniper spent the next day (my birthday day) at home. So - I was exhausted, cranky, and in charge of a little snippet of a girl who was also tired (but otherwise tickety-boo), upset that she didn't get to go to school, and wanting to do exciting "birthday things", whatever that means. The morning was a bust.
Linden, a self-proclaimed "construction-er" |
The afternoon took a turn for the better - Clark came home at lunch with Linden, managed to get both kids to nap, and then worked from home for the rest of the day. I therefore was free, and set out to take myself on that nice long walk, with the intention of ending up at the pottery studio (so that I could at least get those two planned activities in). As I walked out the door, however, I was met with gale-force winds blowing freezing rain into my face. "Screw it!" I yelled at the freezing rain. "I'm going shopping!" And so I did. The goal wasn't even to necessarily purchase anything in particular, but rather to just browse around at will and try clothes on in a leisurely fashion - things I never ever get to do anymore. It was fun! And I did find a few (on sale) gems to take home with me, so all was well that ended well. When I got back, we all turned around and headed out the door for a lovely Thai dinner (Juniper's choice, of course), and I was given a nice (used) chopping board that Linden had chosen out as my birthday gift from the Good Will store (it was between that and a toy chainsaw that apparently made a REALLY loud sound like this: "VROOOOOM!").
This is what you do, apparently, when there is no snow in January. |
Seeing as Thursday didn't go quite as planned, I took Friday to do what I had intended to do on my birthday - yoga, a nice walk, and a wonderful long stint throwing some pots at the studio. It was divine. And it was followed by my not-so-surprising surprise party, complete with delicious food and more cake. Really, I couldn't have asked for a better birthday week.
Look who came for a visit! |
But - it didn't end there! On Saturday, Clark's mom and stepdad (Deb and Yvon, as the kids call them), popped in for a very quick but satisfying visit. There was swimming, eating out, more shopping, playing, gifts... all the things that you do when your grandparents come to town. Plus, Clark and I got to go out on a little date Saturday night, which is so very rare, and so very lovely. Deborah and Yvon left later the next day (I told you it was a short visit - especially when the drive down is more than 8 hours long!), but it was a nice cap-off to a celebratory week.
Another Taft's Playground tree shot, entitled "hands on heads" |
I will leave you with the next instalment from JuniperAndLinden.org - another off-the-cuff news item. I expect this to be the start of something pretty regular. Happy Martin Luther King day!
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