Some very relaxing blizzard reading |
The blizzards have been continuing to rage over here on the Cape, piling snow drifts on top of snow drifts, and whipping the wind around so strongly that there are times I have almost felt like I was back in Newfoundland. There are many here who are beginning to grumble about this state of affairs (so cold! so much snow! so many school closures!) - and I have to admit, despite having no qualms about the actual snow, the constant school cancellations were starting to get to me as well.
A raucous game of go fish |
This week, however, is very different. Not only is there no school to cancel (we are currently at the beginning of the week long "February Break"), but this blizzard brought with it some very special guests. For the first time since we moved here, we got a visit from the much ballyhooed Theresa and Scott (Theresa is Clark's youngest sister).
Full-on snow play |
To say that the storm blew them in is actually not far from the mark - their original plan was to make their way to the Cape tomorrow (ie, Tuesday), but they decided to come a few days early to try and beat the storm in. Consequently, they arrived around lunchtime on Saturday, and have been whooping it up ever since. In fact, both Juniper and Linden were playing outside when Theresa and Scott rolled in, and Theresa didn't even bother to come inside - she just pulled her full-body snow gear out of the trunk, and joined the fun. You can see why these two are such special visitors!
Linden has had a full-time train and block companion, which is his idea of heaven |
Despite all the fun and excitement, we are all actually recovering a bit around here - Clark and I decided that we would try staging a trial "sleep-over" for a couple of nights, wherein Juniper and Linden would share a room. The lofty goal of this exercise was to to see if maybe (maybe!) our two bedrooms could be a Linden/Juniper and Tara/Clark split, vs a Linden/Clark, Juniper/Tara split. It seems reasonable, right? The kids share a room, and the parents share a room. Our trial, however, reminded us of why we had fallen into our strange arrangement in the first place - to maximize sleep. The sleepover resulted in two very bad night's sleep for everybody, which meant a bunch of general crankiness and some actual sickness (Juniper, of course, ended the day yesterday by vomiting). FAIL. We will must assuredly find a 3-bedroom place to rent when we move, which will hopefully make everything better.
Group yoga, obviously |
Anyway, Theresa and Scott just left this morning for a little Boston get-away (assuming that the city is even up and running today), but will be back tomorrow for the rest of the week. That gives us some time to just quiet down a bit and maybe recover from the failed experiment, and rest up for what is sure to be a crazy awesome rest of the week when our visitors return. Likely this "resting" will involving a sledding adventure today, however, because - really - how can you resist some post-blizzard play? I hope everyone else who got walloped by this storm (I hear it was twice as bad up north!) gets to have a bit of post-blizzard fun today as well!
Also, if you are so inclined, visit juniper and linden's newsite for a fitness-themed broadcast this week! Follow the link
See you next week!