Monday, February 9, 2015

The Enigma that is February

Snow buddies
I honestly do not have much of note to report from this past week, except for the fact that on Wednesday, things finally started to settle back into a bit of normalcy.  The kids enjoyed three full uninterrupted, uncanceled days at school, and I started to emerge from the never-ending-snow-day haze that had settled over our little house.

Linden proudly displaying his creation:  a train, en route to Boston
The weekend, though - man, did we pack it in.  There were outdoor adventures, a breakfast with Ben and Liz, some impromptu family time at the pottery studio, playdates, family folk dancing, a girl's dinner-and-a-movie night out for me (whee!), and to top it all off, we had Nick and Becca (and, as it turned out, Juniper's friend Kea) over for dinner on Sunday night.  Can you imagine the energy levels that evening? Off the charts.  I thought Linden might well explode.  But I do believe good fun was had by all, and that everyone is now raring to begin the one full week we have left before the week-long "February Break" .  No,  I'm not kidding.  So much for actually getting anything done in February.  Anyway, I'll leave you with some random pics and a little video from the week.

There has been a whole lot of popcorn these days
Exploring the cool branch sculpture at Highfield Hall
The picture of studiousness
I now have proof that, at least for this small moment in time, I am considered Juniper's BFF
Ben and Linden, drawing trains (and animals on trains) at breakfast
Becca made it on the blog!! With Kea and Nick (and Juniper and Linden, of course)

Finally, here is a little random video from the week.  If you want a few new newscasts, don't forget to visit!

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