Monday, February 2, 2015

Oh, THERE'S the snow

The first hints of snow
It seems as though winter is finally here, and Mother Nature clearly decided to make up for lost time.  I'm sure there are many, many east coasters who can relate.  In our neck of the woods, this particular storm threw the town into a tither.  The snow started flying on Monday afternoon, which meant all after-school activities where cancelled.  Then, of course, everything shut down on Tuesday, including WHOI.  Wednesday, school was still cancelled, which was understandable - though it was a gorgeous day, there was still mountains of snow to be cleared.  

What is this fluffy white stuff?
But then Thursday, and FRIDAY, the town still hadn't gotten its act together.  Everything was open, except school. Juniper actually got really upset on Friday when she realised that the next day was the beginning of the weekend, which meant that she wouldn't get to go to school AGAIN.   And here we are, on Monday, with another storm.  This will be the fifth day in a row that school has been cancelled. I may never get back to writing my thesis again, ever.  And the kids may never get back to school. Anyway, it is not as bad as all that -- for instance, we miraculously never really lost power through the whole ordeal. And there was, of course, a crazy amount of snow week fun to be had, which I documented as faithfully as I could.

Linden helped a whole lot with snow removal
Juniper did her part, mostly trying to eat her way through the drifts
Making "snow bread" and "snow cakes"
Check out the blizzard raging in the background - we were undeterred!
The digging out of our HUGE quinzhee begins
Close-up excavator
Check out how roomy it is! Keep in mind that Clark was way at the back, taking that photo.
Kunio braves the blizzard to come hang out
The next day: Sledding at WHOI! (We tried to go to the golf course, but were stopped by diggers trying to plow through 6-foot drifts on the road to get there)
The picturesque setting where we decided to forge our sliding slope
Forging forward! (Some very determined sledders)
Nick joins us for a few runs down the hill, creating "team yellow".  Maybe one day Becca will make it on the blog.
Clark steers, and Juniper covers her eyes
In between our outside romps, there was a whole lot of popcorn and hot chocolate.  There were also some quiet snow day activities, including:

Diligently "helping" with the dishes
Group reading.  Safety first, of course.
If you follow "", this week you're in for a treat:  it's all about snow, and it's all done by Linden!  Check it out HERE

And finally, I'll leave you with a snow days compilation video.  Stay safe and warm out there!

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