Tuesday, March 17, 2015

a new home: phase one

Some at-home glazing
I am writing this a whole day later than usual, trying to prop my eyes open for just long enough to pound out a bit of an update. I owe this exhaustion not to the kids (well, not entirely to the kids - they always have at least something to do with exhaustion, if we're being honest), but rather to a very delayed flight that found me and Clark stumbling home at almost 2am. "A flight?", you ask?  It's true! Clark and I spent a ridiculous whirlwind of a weekend in Ottawa, looking at pretty much every viable rental house we could find in the Kanata area.  Our hope, of course, was to secure a place to live when we move next month.
Juniper reads to Grandma and Linden
But let's back up, shall we? How did Clark and I find ourselves in Ottawa sans kids, perusing Kanata townhouses?  It all began with an offer from Grandma and Grandpa (Clark's dad and stepmom), who heroically drove down to the Cape and took on the challenge that is Juniper and Linden.  Meanwhile, Clark was already in Ottawa, putting in a couple of days of work with RBR, so I showed Bill and Barb the ins and outs of how to manage things around here, then hopped a plane myself.  It felt like a kind of crazy idea at the time, and involved more planning and logistics and money than you might imagine. We packed almost 15 viewings into a day and a bit, and were, on top of being completely exhausted by the whole endeavour, a little disappointed with the offerings.  

I got to meet Ruth for the first time!! (and tried unsuccessfully to be included in the selfie) 
The very last house we saw, however, right before heading off to the airport, was pretty much exactly what we want. It met our criteria (bright, close to Clark's work, enough space, a place for people to stay when they visit, a good fenced backyard); Juniper's criteria (she gets a room to herself, and the stairs aren't creaky); and when I figure out Linden's criterion (a big hole), then perhaps we can accommodate him as well. We have not officially signed a lease yet, but we are almost there, and I am actually pretty excited with the prospect of setting up in this new home. It was also amazing to have the opportunity to hang out with some of our dearest friends, with whom we will very shortly be sharing a city! 

Meanwhile, Grandma and Grandpa handled the kids like the pros that they are.  They even took some photographic and video footage so that I could share a bit of their weekend here.  The highlight, it would seem, was a road trip that they took to Skaket beach, on Cape Cod Bay.  The draw to this particular location was the huge chunks of sea ice that had washed ashore - a pretty unique occurrence, by all accounts.  I must say I'm a little jealous! Here are some photos:

And finally, a little video of the creative sliding that took place in the driveway!  If you want more videos, please don't forget to check out JuniperAndLinden.org.  Linden has some pretty sage pieces of wisdom for you all. 


Unknown said...

I never envy anyone moving, but probably a very good time to take it on. thanks for the post, and I hope all goes smoothly with the move.

Hollis Engley said...

I'm fully in agreement with Linden. I would think a big hole is absolutely essential in a new home. What are you thinking??!?!?!?!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the opportunity to be guardians of these two precious grandchildren. I hope we did not spoil them too much. You will likely get requests for more bedtime stories, e.g. "Grandpa read me three stories". We are very gullible that way. The most fun sliding was the mandatory pileup at the end.