Monday, March 2, 2015

Emerging from the gloom

Someone FINALLY got to touch the fiddle and take it home with her
Well, folks, I basically do not have any photo documentation from the week.  No one likes to read about sickness ad nauseum, so I'll spare you all the gritty details.  Suffice it to say that my flu turned into a sinus infection, Clark and Linden's into a cold, and Juniper's into a brief but uncomfortable ear infection.  So. We were clearly all a bunch of happy adventurous people this week.  I'm still only barely dragging myself through the day.

But I did want to post at least that one photo of Juniper and her fiddle, as she is so very excited to actually have it at home with her.  She is taking after school fiddle lessons, but the weather somehow managed to cancel them for 4 straight weeks in a row.  So this week was the first time she was able to get her fiddle.  It is adorable.

Oh!  And here is a photo from the S.T.E.A.M (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) event at Juniper's school, which was actually quite fun.

Juniper shows off her paper plate car, which Clark helped build.  It actually moved across the floor! 
I also have a couple of videos to share on some live fiddling, and a piece on maps.  Take a look at them here.

Hopefully I'll have more to share next week!


Erin said...

Did you make Juniper's jumper, Tara? It is sweet!!

Anonymous said...

Yes! I want a jumper like that! That map episode was pretty amazing, doubled over in laughter. AuntT

Tara said...

I did make that jumper! I actually made it to be the stem part of a flower two hallowe'ens ago, but I specifically made it to be wearable later on.