The end result of choosing to push bedtime for a bit of after-supper soccer |
This week saw the return of Clark, and the restoration of a bit of balance in our lives. Not that anything is ever particularly balanced around here, but the scales have at least tipped in a decidedly positive direction.
Carefully cleaning the tracks on the electric train set that hasn't been used in a good 25 years or so |
A kick-ass block tunnel |
One of the highlights for Linden since Clark's return was the restoration of this old electric train table that Clark's dad had made for Clark and his siblings more than 2 decades ago. In the process, Clark and Linden found their way to this classic old model train store not far from us - a gem of a place that is rather amazingly still in business (though not for long, Clark surmised). "You should have seen Linden's face when we walked in", Clark told me later. "I would say it was like a kid in a candy shop, but it was more like.... well, like a Linden in a train shop". He was, of course, enthralled. Even better, though, was when the trains actually started running on our very own track. What is more exciting than that?
Juniper proudly displaying the brand-new chore chart |
A thing of beauty |
For Juniper, the excitement of the week, I believe, was finally putting together this chore chart. This was actually a long time coming - Juniper has been expressing an interest in allowance, and is, as it turns out, very motivated by being able to check things off a list. So I devised this (relatively brilliant, if I do say so myself), chart. For anybody as organizationally nerdy as me, shall I take you on a little tour? So, the chores are on the left hand side, colour coded by time of day/type of chore. There are some blank spots left in case there is a need to add some specific ones in any given day. The middle bit is divided by day of week, and has spots big enough for Juniper to check off the chore when it has been completed. On the right hand side, we have the days of the week again, but this time the spots are big enough for stickers. Depending on how Juniper did on that day, she'll get anywhere between maybe 1-3 stickers. At the end of the week, each sticker is worth $0.25. The whole main body of it is covered in mac tac, so it can be wiped clean every week, and the stickers can be easily removed.
I have no idea if this will actually work, or continue past the first week, but I am at the very least incredibly satisfied with myself. And that's the most important thing, right?
Juniper chillaxin' in the new hammock |
As we are poised to start our first "normal" week in what seems like forever, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Linden is able to soldier through. He's done round #2 of ear infection antibiotics, but seems to have developed some sort of sinus/nasal congestion thing. This meant that he basically didn't sleep last night, which, of course, can be the start of of a terrible spiral. Besides the eucalyptus steaming and the humidifier and the saline nasal spray, I decided this time around to try some lymph draining as well. This just basically means massaging Linden's face in particular places to try and clear up his sinuses and get rid of any blockages in his lymphatic system. I have yet to see if it works, but he sure did like it. He liked it so much, in fact, that he looked at me afterwards, put his little hand on my arm, and said "thank you for doing that, mama. It felt really nice. Can I do it to you now?"
How could I resist? |
I'm also going to find a naturopath this week - I think Linden and I could both use a bit of a tune-up. I must need an adrenal boost or something - this daily exhaustion isn't normal. And Linden is seeming to be sick more often than he is healthy lately. So hopefully we can both start to turn things around. And hopefully I can write like a mad-woman - it is somehow mid-June, and I am behind schedule with respect to my thesis. Wish me luck!
Juniper, thrilled to meet her new friend Oli on the weekend (Oli is the son of a couple of Clark's old friends who live in the city) |
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