Monday, July 6, 2015

Happy Canada Day!

Linden, Juniper and Zack enjoy a very wet Canada Day romp at the park
 I don't have many stories with which to regale you today - we are all just emerging from a weekend that involved Juniper puking.  A lot.  We did, however, get to have a fun Canada Day with some great friends on Wednesday, which was the perfect way to celebrate being back in our own country. Jane hosted a BBQ, with our family, Erin's family, and some new friends as well.  The kids got to play at the park (after some intense downpours, no less), hang out with baby Ruth (Juniper's idea of heaven), eat junk and watch a movie.

Hanging with Ruth!
I also thought I'd add a couple of photos from one of the bike adventures I mentioned last time.  This one in particular was special, because after we biked to Clark's office, Linden and I walked all the way to the rec centre to.... wait for it... catch a BUS home.  Linden has been asking to take a bus ever since we go here, so this was our big moment.  It was, unfortunately, only a regular old transit bus (some of them around here are articulated, and some are even double decker!), but it was "super fast", so Linden was appeased.  Also, while we were waiting for the bus to come (it was 1/2 an hour late), I asked one of the other bus drivers if we could take a little tour of his articulated bus, so Linden at least got to go on one.  Oh, also, there is a skate park at the bus stop, so Linden was mesmerized the whole time.  All's well that ends well, I suppose.  See you next week!

Watching the construction extravaganza after biking to the office. 

Raptly watching the kids at the skate park.  There was even a skate camp going on.

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