Monday, October 19, 2015

The (very) full non-week

Linden's birthday morning: celebrations even before breakfast!
When I sat down to write this post, I kind of thought there would be nothing to report.  In my memory, the week was spent on the couch, recovering from my (re-done) root canal, and the incredibly painful few days that ensued.  The root canal itself was pretty horrible -- having an existing infection meant that the freezing was not able to take properly, and that there was a lot of inflammation built up.  But the post-canal was, perhaps, worse.  For three days (and nights) straight, I alternated advil and tylenol on constant rotation, in between doses of antibiotics.  Folks, if you have to get a root canal, make sure it is done right the first time.  And I have to do this all again next week as well. My broken foot's got nothing on these awful dental procedures.

Speaking of dental procedures:  Linden's first trip to the dentist! No cavities, thank God. Juniper, on the other hand, needs to get one filled.  Oh, Juniper.  You come by your terrible teeth honestly. 

Anyhoo, when I starting looking through the week's pictures, they told a much different story.  There was, for instance, Thanksgiving that happened last Monday, and multiple birthday celebrations for Linden.  There were also some pretty fabulous weekend adventures as well, so I've got a bunch of goodies to post.

1. Thanksgiving:

This year, we chose to host Thanksgiving dinner.  Not only were we back in Canada for the first time in three years, we were also living in the same place as some of our dearest friends -- that is a whole lot to be thankful for right there!  The guest list included Judith and Simon, Jane, Mike, Ruth, and Jane's brother Neil, and Erin, Mish and Zack.  It was a full house, a zoo, and everything I had hoped for.  The food was delicious and plentiful, the company was amazing, and the day itself was beautiful.  We also celebrated Ruth and Linden's birthday a little early that day - they are both born on October 14th (just three years apart), which I personally think is kind of special.  Here are some photos from the day:

Birthday buddies!  I'm not sure why or how Linden's face is so filthy
Everyone wanted in on the "pictures holding Ruth" photoshoot.  Ruth seems tolerant but bemused.
The whole gang!
Blowing the candle from birthday cake #1
Ruth's first experience with chocolate cake AND with with candles

2.  Linden's Actual Birthday:

On Wednesday, Linden celebrated his actual birthday.  I held off on making him a cake, because
a) my parents come tomorrow, and we were planning on having the real cake then;
b) there were leftovers already, and
c) my root canal had been the day before.

This ended up being perfectly fine, however, as he was celebrated multiple times throughout the day. In the morning, Juniper had cards waiting for him, and we all sang happy birthday.  Then at school there was a whole "going around the sun" ceremony for him. THEN, because it happened to be one of the two days that he goes to daycare after school, there was a celebration for him there as well, including cake and presents. I think he felt fully feted.

About to head out to school, already very excited to be 4
It may be leftover cupcakes, but it's still cupcakes
Pretty happy birthday boy in front of the banner that Val (his day-care provider) made for him
That night, we packaged up all of Linden's night-time soothers in an envelope, and left them for the "soother fairy" (you have no idea how many fairies there are in our lives).  Our dentist actually let us know about this particular fairy - it comes at night, takes all the soothers to give them to babies who need them, and leave a little present in their place.  Linden was all over that idea. He is now a big boy 4-year old, and soother-free.  No problem!

All ready for the soother fairy!
3. Saturday

Saturday was brilliant.  Weeks ago, I signed up for a day-long yoga and meditation retreat, being offered by my friend Annie, who I used to know in Halifax (but now lives in Ottawa).  This is not something I would usually treat myself to, but it seemed like exactly what I needed at this particular moment in time.  I was REALLY looking forward to it.  Then I broke my foot.  After some contemplation, however, I decided I was going to go, broken foot or not.  I am so happy I did.  I was actually able to participate in most of it, just modifying anything that involved needing to weight-bear.  The setting (The Yoga Garden Retreat in Gatineau) was beyond gorgeous (I would have happily just moved in if I could have), I met some amazing people, and I left feeling incredibly rejuvenated.
One of the many beautiful gardens

The natural ampitheater/healing circle

My favourite spot: Buddha overlooking a sparkling lake and the flaming fall trees
 Meanwhile, Clark and the kids, armed with bikes and a sense of adventure, went off to spend the day in whatever way they desired.  First they bummed around Wakefield, then went for a bit of a bike ride, and THEN, they completed a 6 km hike.  Seriously.  Apparently, there was very little complaining, even - they had an awesome day.

They found an old  train switch that they could actually move!
Beginning the hike
Mid-hike selfie
Extolling the virtues of proper walking sticks
 And finally, I will leave you with a picture of our very first snowflakes, and, for anyone interested, an x-ray of my fractured 5th metatarsal.  Oh - and a video of Linden and his brand new birthday scooter, from Grandma and Grandpa.  Within 5 minutes of trying it out, he was attempting tricks.  Sigh.  See you next week!

Here is my broken foot.  You can see three fracture lines way on the left hand side.
Snowflakes on my remaining herbs.  Winter is coming!

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