Monday, June 27, 2016

Who doesn't love a good recital?

Impromptu after school picnic snack in the yard 
This week I will keep it short and sweet, as there are no great stories to tell.  It was the second-to-last week of school, followed by a fun, hot weekend.  The highlights? The Carp Farmer's Market, playing with Zack, a trip to Shirley's Bay, and the year end music recital, in which both kids participated.  Here's the photo reel:

Showing off some leg tattoos before the got completely obliterated in the splash pad
Casually strolling through Shirley's Bay
A study in purple
Relaxing and reading the programme pre-recital
 This recital marked the first real music performance on stage for either child. It was both a big success and a bit of a disaster.  Linden, for instance, was the youngest kid by about 2 years.  He was only playing "Twinkle Twinkle", which he was, incidentally, able to play BEFORE he started taking lessons last Fall (don't get me started on the quality of lessons we ended up paying for).  Anyway, he was the second child to play, and the first one to play on piano.  The bench was so far away that he almost couldn't reach the keys, and became completely befuddled.  Seeing as no stage hands or recital people were coming to help, I ran onto stage, pushed his bench WAY in, and set him on the right path.  he recovered marvelously.  When it was Juniper's turn, she insisted she wanted to me to accompany (rather than perform solo), which set the young stage hand into a tither, and put me on the spot.  But of course, it all turned out fine in the end. We went for gelato afterwards in celebration, which suited everyone just fine.

Post-recital treat: Stella Luna's gelato.  Yum!
Here are two clips from the recital, in all their glory:

I'll leave you with some Linden musings from dinner last night:

"You know, if I could be something else, I wish I was a bird.  Or the same me, just with a bulldozer.  Or a Christmas tree at Christmas time".

Hard decisions, for sure.

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