Monday, November 14, 2016

soul balm

the nature explorers are back!

This has been a tough week, for reasons that I'm sure no one particularly needs me to explain or expound upon.  The world lost one of its greatest poet/musicians, and gained a living embodiment of hate, fear, ignorance, and intolerance.   It is difficult to figure out how to process this sort of week -- how to push past it all with positivity.  We decided the best way to accomplish this was to just be outside as much as possible - exploring trails, planting bulbs, and taking advantage of some pretty glorious mid-November weather.  I might have also made and then consumed quite a few cookies.  And listened to our extensive Leonard Cohen library on repeat. And made some art. I hope you all found your own soul balm as well. Big breaths, friends, and love from our little family to yours.

Linden plants his birthday garlic from his aunt Theresa 
Juniper waters her newly sown tulip, daffodil and iris bulbs
golden sun through the trees along Frog Pond
Luckily no tree inhabitants objected to Linden's exploration
More gorgeous light over the boulders and trunks

Linden watches the ducks

Close-up examination of dark, slimy slug

A rather glorious fungus (which looked, at first glance, to be devouring a bird.  Not so, I promise)

Bring only the essentials for woods exploration (especially of the truck variety)

Pausing in Shubie Park
We can appreciate and get along with squirrels and chipmunks in their natural habitat!

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