Monday, January 30, 2017

Very little

Sometimes you just need to practice piano in your dino costume
To be honest, I have very little to show or write about this week. January and February can both be uninspiring, dreary months at the best of times (especially when the only snow to be found is in erratic, dirty little patches scattered here and there).  But this year... let's just say I have been finding it more and more difficult to remain engaged and optimistic in the face of what is becoming daily displays of the worst of humanity. 

Juniper specifically wanted to take a trip to the library to read up on Martin Luther King Jr.
 But, of course, the weeks trudge on, filled with all the little ups and downs that make up our ordinary days, regardless.  Sometimes in the face of what seem like insurmountably awful displays of hate and fear, the most important action one can take is to foster the seeds of hope and empathy and kindness in your own little microcosm.  To promote awareness and engagement, but also to create a space of safety, normalcy, and happiness.  Perhaps if this becomes engrained, it will spread its roots in years to come. There is, at the very least, hope.

Linden set out to create a "scientific research vessel".  Not bad, imho!
So - a peaceful, happy week.  I shall go ponder that one for awhile, and see what comes of it.  Wishing you all the same!

Monday, January 23, 2017

Political activism, human rights, and history... through the eyes of a 7-year-old

Juniper (and her new pussy hat), mid-rally
This weekend, history was made as millions of people all over the world gathered to rally and demonstrate in the name of peace,  love, and equality.  Naturally, there was a very well-attended Halifax contingent, and Juniper and I were both excited to be a part of it (Linden had  birthday party to attend that overlapped, so the boys joined us towards the end).  Of course, I brought my trusty camera along. When I went to take my first picture,  however, I discovered (to my great dismay) that it had a completely empty battery.  Luckily, Juniper had also wanted to document the event, and had insisted that she have her own camera.  What this ended up meaning is that we not only have a record of the day, but that it is one as seen through the lens of a 7-year old.  This is, in retrospect, much more interesting than anything I could have offered.  So without further ado, here is Juniper's take on the Women's rally:

Waiting for the ferry: I was madly trying to finish up our pussy hat
Leaving Dartmouth for Halifax
Some of our fellow demonstrators.  The ferry was actually late leaving the dock, to make sure everyone who wanted to get to the rally was able to make it on (the captain told us so.  We all cheered).
Look at that crowd! (which seemed even more massive, I would think, from down at Juniper's eye-level)
Some of the many signs
Our little crew: Bella, Toni, me and Kerry
Out for hot chocolate to warm up afterwards
 And there you have it!  All Juniper's documentation (except that first photo, of course). This is such a strange time in history - I was happy that, at the very least, Juniper was old enough to participate in some of the positivity and resistance.  (And that I got a chance to explain what a "Nasty Woman" was).

I will leave you, once again, with a little bit of Linden.  This time, it is his mad drawing skills (and commitment to all things trucks and construction):

Finished product

Monday, January 16, 2017

The changing face of birthday dreams

The all-important birthday cake
This past weekend, I turned 37.  There is nothing particularly note-worthy or spectacular about a 37th birthday in and of itself, of course... other than the fact that I must now officially acknowledge that I have ceased to be part of the nebulous "mid-thirties" gang, and have solidly placed my foot in the "creeping-their-way-to-a-midlife-crisis" crew.  Ha! (Just kidding). ( Sort of).  

This year, however, I was struck by what having a birthday means, and how that changes over time.  I think for many people, the 30s are a funny marker in that respect - it's as though there is less focus on the party and celebration, and more on the fact that you are, in fact, one year OLDER. This leads some people I know to wish for a birthday that just kind of.... silently slips by.  Maybe with a couple of presents thrown into the mix.

When you add kids into the equation, however, this changes the dynamic even further. Birthdays become exciting in a very different way.  In this household, you can't imagine the amount of planning and whispered conferences behind closed doors, and secret outings (to get secret presents), and secret prep work that went in to the weekend.  For instance, Clark documented one of the most important aspects (ie, the making of the cake):

Juniper, inexplicably, decides it is important to "take notes" while prepping
Carefully placing smarties.  It began with a "T", which was quickly obscured by the need for full coverage
The finished product, in all it's glory
... and look how proud and excited they were to present their delicious work of art!
 When all was said and done, I realised that, though I might not have been able to voice what I would have wanted for a 37th birthday, I was given precisely the perfect mix of aspects for this particular time and space in my life:

1. A weekend mostly devoid of my usual duties and concerns. I didn't worry about what we were going to eat, or even cook a meal.  I was not responsible for how were were going to spend our day. I wasn't the one who had to reprimand kids or deal with bad attitudes.  I didn't even PICK UP the camera.  It's not as though I begrudge any of these things on a day-to-day basis - I love that I'm able to cook beautiful, healthy food, and that I have the time and space to spend my days dreaming up fun activities with the kids.  And I reap the benefits of being the official family photographer on a daily basis. But it was was also a huge treat to just... not be constantly responsible and vigilant in that regard.

2. Hang-out time.  I got to spend the whole day yesterday with our very oldest friends - Zsofi, Will, and their girls.  The kids got to play, the dads hung out (and dealt with all things kids-related), and Zsofi and I were totally indulgent.  We chatted, chatted, chatted, went on a gorgeous winter walk, and I even got my cards read! All very soul-enriching stuff.

Zsofi wisely snapped this pic towards the end of our walk, as the snow lazily floated down
Perhaps in the future, I will crave wild parties or exotic trips or big presents to celebrate my birthday (likely not,  of course, but who knows what will come as my identity and life circumstances shift?) Honestly, however, I wouldn't have wanted anything different than this quiet, low-key weekend that I was gifted this time around.

Now I believe I will take these brand-new birthday bluetooth headphones that just arrived, and go on a post-birthday-morning walk in the sun and fresh dusting of snow.  What could be nicer?

I will leave you with a little picture of Linden, being Linden.  See you next week!

Oh, Linden.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Mostly normal

I'm going to be honest - there isn't a whole lot of interest to blog about this week.  It was (happily, I would argue), a relatively gentle reintroduction to the winter routine after the break.  Certainly, there were ups and downs, and some noteworthy events, as there are in any given week.  For instance: 

1. My parents were down for a short trip (meaning also that Clark and I got to go on a date and see Rogue 1!):

crazy 8s and crosswords
2. We got around to using our Christmas chalk paint, resulting in an entire bottom portion of the den wall being  a chalk board:
Final touches on a chalk wall
3. We finally got a proper snowfall:

Linden helpfully "sweeps" the snow from the driveway. (To be fair, he and I shovelled on our own for about 45 minutes before this)

Also noteworthy is the fact that Juniper finally decided to act on my daily ultimatum -- "you either sit through me brushing your hair without complaining, or we go get it cut".  On Saturday, we got it cut.  Ridiculously, I don't have a picture - I'll have to be sure to get one for next week.  She was, however, very pleased, especially when the hairdresser curled it all at the end.  She figured she looked about 14 years old (which, I'm sad to say, is completely in keeping with her teenager 'tude that has been surfacing with more and more regularity). Perhaps by the time she really reaches 14, she will have gotten it all out of her system. That's how it works, right?

See you next week!

Monday, January 2, 2017

The grand finale

A motley crew
Happy New Year!  I know I didn't post last week, but I have a whole boatload of holiday pictures to make up for it. We were able to have a nice end to what was, in numerous ways, a challenging year. A very productive year of positive changes, mind you, but challenging nonetheless. So sit down, grab a nice cup of tea, and join me, won't you?  I'll let the pictures (and my captions) offer the narrative this time around.

This was too cute not to share. Juniper was home from school sick one day with an ear infection, and the first thing Linden did when he got off the bus was sit on her lap and tell her how his day was
crafting afternoon
The day we all agreed Linden needed a haircut
Theresa comes to visit! Taking the ferry over for the Christmas Eve Halifax market
Enjoying some market pretzels
And intense game of chess
Christmas Day 

We were all uncertain what would happen, but Theresa's makeshift stocking got filled!
The kids, sporting their yearly homemade Christmas PJs
Checking out the stocking swag
Puppets from Great Aunt Janie
Rainbow suspenders and a big piece of wood (to go with his saw, hammer, nails, and safety goggles. God help us.)
Both kids got their own yoga mat! Linden kissed his...
... and got right down to business
Christmas morning walk at Shubie Park
Dino-hatted guy (custom-made by yours truly), with his new dino diary, sketching his surroundings
The glasses girls
The ducks came rushing over when we sat down, but were VERY disappointed we were not there to feed them, but rather to... 
... sketch them, of course!
Finishing Christmas day off with a snuggle and a nature documentary
New Brunswick, Part 1: Fredericton (after doing Christmas with Theresa at our house, we headed to New Brunswick on the 27th.  It was the first time in many years that we've lived close enough to do that).

Seeing Mary (and Bob) the morning after they stepped off the plane from their Sri Lankan adventure
Completing mazes with uncle Brad
Captivated by his new Lego kit, which he completed all by himself (quietly, and with full absorption).
A SUPER fun Trivial Pursuit night at Jane and Mike's.  Look at how many of us were all in Fredericton at the same time!

New Brunswick, Part 2: The Farm (as it will become evident, I had my camera out about a million times more often at the farm than I did in Fredericton - sorry, Frederictonians!)

Clark, a mandolin, and an awesome little Richard's woodlot tree
Grandpa measures Linden on my brand-new, hand-made height ruler!
Linden helps grandpa sell some hay. 
Juniper takes grandpa on a guided tour of his yearly family photo calendar.  Check out the beautiful new sweater, hand-crocheted by grandma!
Linden warms up over the hot air grate
The boys work on Linden's new electric car kit...
... and then Linden tries it (unsuccessfully) on the ice
Long shadow walking
River walking
Stick and rock hockey
Grandpa and Juniper listening to the river ice cracking and popping and shifting underneath
Deer tracking on the snowy woods trail
Rotten apple frozen in ice
Birds eating the rotten apples left in the tree.  It was full of them!
The beautiful, snowy woods
I had originally thought I might sneak up on some deer and take a close-up, but the snow was WAY too crunchy.  This was a close as I ever got.
Linden, of course, brought his new saw with him on the trip.  Grandpa's workshop was the perfect place to practice.
Both kids got in on the fun of building inventions. There was much hammering involved!
Some very determined sledders had to shovel snow onto a tiny little slope in order to get any action.  It keep them busy for an inordinately long time!
New Year's Eve dinner with (second) cousins Merrick and Elsie
Merrick and Linden are two months apart, and discovered that they are kindred spirits.  This is one of the rare moments they were focused and quiet, rather than gleefully tearing around and making noise.

Juniper took Elsie under her wing, and played princesses.  

The best picture I could get of the kids around the NYE bonfire, all snuggled together on a hay bale

Our version of NYE fireworks!

New Years Day: Cinnamon-sugar toast is a favourite treat at Grandma and Grandpa's. What happens when you are out of ground cinnamon, however?  You grate your own, of course!

Look who got to work the plow!

One last sled before heading back home to Nova Scotia
And that, my friends, is one action-packed last couple of weeks to 2016.  I feel as though 2017 has a whole lot of awesome adventures in store, and I - for one - am ready for the fresh start that January offers.  See you next week!