Monday, January 27, 2014

Special visitors

So much fun with Deb and Yvon!

We had some very special visitors this week - "Deb" and Yvon got here late on Thursday afternoon, and it was non-stop partying until the left (amidst some very heartfelt tears) yesterday morning.  Let me give you just a sampling o what went on:

Friday: Trip to Boston!  Really, this means a trip to the Boston aquarium.  It was an especially exciting visit, as the penguins were FINALLY back from vacation, and Myrtle the Turtle came especially to say "hi" to Juniper, as she always does.  Then that night, Clark and I went out to supper at a relatively fancy restaurant ALL BY OURSELVES. So awesome.

(Ok, tell me these garden eels aren't creepy)

Saturday: The morning started out with breakfast at Persey's Place (a regular favourite), followed by a long, energetic swim in the hotel pool.  Then in the afternoon, Juniper got to take Deborah to her weekly knitting and movie event at the Wood's Hole Library, which made her feel pretty big.  

Persey's Place breakfast
Then, in the evening, there was a big dinner party at Fiamma and Rosalba's new house.  An enormous amount of fun was had by all.  At some point, the non-stop music samples on the electric keyboard were turned on, and there was a dance party to end all dance parties.  i would have to say that, based on  creative moves and long-term commitment to the dancing, Juniper won the evening.  Here is a sample with Ben, Liz, Juniper, Linden and Kea:

Sunday: Day #2 in a row with Persey's place and a swim.   Then, after packing everything up, Deborah and Yvon left shortly before noon.  This was very emotional for Juniper, but luckily there was a birthday party at noon to distract her (held at a dance studio - what could be better?)

Swimming REALLY tuckered these kids out
And finally, I just thought I'd add this little anecdote:

So a few days ago, Linden came to my bed in the morning, and instead of saying "I NEED A BREAST", or "I NEED A HUG", he crawled up, snuggled into me, and said "I need my girl". (except it sounded much more like "I need my grill")  So, either he's been listening to too much of The National  (which is a possibility), or he really felt like some BBQ, or he thinks of me as "his girl".  Maybe it is some combo of the three, but I like to think it is the latter.

See you next Monday!

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