The crazy Simmonds family, all in one place at the same time! |
Honestly, I'm not sure how to even begin this post. Not only has it been three whole weeks since my last update, it has been the most ridiculous, jam-packed three weeks in recent memory. This was, of course, almost entirely due one very epic move from Kanata ON, to Dartmouth NS. I remember distinctly when we made the move from Woods Hole to Kanata (only a little over a year ago, mind you) that I made it VERY clear we would never, ever do a move as crazy as that one. That I would rather poke my eyes out with burning hot coals than go through that nonsense again. HA. Famous last words, let me assure you.
I won't bore you with all the logistical hi-jinx that were involved - I'm not sure I actually want to relive them, to be honest. I can tell you, however, that it was one of the most complicated, labour intensive endeavours we've ever executed. I can also tell you that this move never would have happened if not for some pretty freaking amazing friends and family, who helped with their braun, their child-minding abilities, their generosity, and any other number of attributes. This was a large, multi-faceted team effort.
While Clark and our dear friend Will were finishing up the packing, loading, and cleaning on the Kanata end of things, and I had made my way to our new house in Dartmouth to take care of pre-move-in logistics, the kids spent time first with their Fredericton grandparents, and then with grandma, grandpa and Theresa at the farm. They even took pictures of some of the farm adventures, which looked like a LOAD of fun:
Juniper the mermaid |
Exploring the shore after a boat ride |
Hard at work, hauling hay |
King of the hay loft |
Bill and Barb (grandma and grandpa), even hand-delivered the kids to us after we had finished unloading and unpacking enough to make the place habitable:
Entering the border of their new home! |
Meanwhile, it was around the clock work over here. Clark and Will arrived with the truck pretty exhausted, but in good spirits:
Look at those handsome young whipper-snappers! |
And almost everything made the move unscathed, except for about half of my plants. That was a sad scene to discover.
R.I.P., my pretties. |
And here we are, having everything unloaded and completely chaotic inside, but being elated to be at that point in the process:
Home owners!! |
When the kids arrived, the balance shifted considerably. At that point, there was still a large drive to get this place set up, and to spend as much time as possible unpacking and organizing. There was also, however, the very important task of letting everyone just start to live and experience our new home. Though Linden was quick to express how disappointed he was that our new house wasn't as "tall" as our old one, I think the benefits quickly started to outweigh the "shortness". We have a pretty amazing yard (with big plans to add some fun play structures), next door neighbours with kids almost the same age, and, perhaps most importantly, the same beloved city and dear friends that we left behind four years ago.
Clark and Linden running up Citadel Hill |
On the first of what will be many, many ferry rides between Dartmouth and Halifax |
Ahhh... Reunited with reading chair and books |
Look! Juniper's room matches her glasses, her glasses and her new dress! She couldn't have been more pleased. |
Linden quickly found the necessary dirt for his outdoor endeavours |
I bought this new hammock swing as a little present to myself, but I haven't been able to spend more than two minutes in it! |
A huge juniper bush in the front yard serves as perfect spy headquarters |
In full spy gear. This is specifically Juniper's "spy outfit" |
Our first of many trips to Lunenburg to visit the Koller/Martins! |
Enjoying a delicious Will-crafted taco dinner with Eva and Sylvie |
Making friends with Piper |
You can't be a true Nova Scotian until you've boarded the Bluenose! |
Reunited with the Sharps! |
You'd think that after finally having everyone here and somewhat settled, we'd stay put, right? Not so! This past Friday, there was a huge shindig in celebration of my dad's 80th birthday, and friends and family came from near and far to celebrate - over 100 people filtered in and out of my parent's house over the course of the day. There was no way we could miss it. Not only did we get to hang out with some people we almost never get to see, we also got a taste of how close we now live to home, and how relatively easy it is going to be to just pop over for a weekend whenever we so choose. A 4-hour drive is NOTHING compared to the epic day-long journey it used to be.
Here are some pics from our whirlwind visit:
All 6 Simmonds siblings in once place. This basically never happens anymore! |
Juniper and the birthday boy |
My cousin Andrew fell at the top Linden's list of favourite things from this day, even above cake. That is a true compliment. |
Linden and his VERY dapper (and grown-up) cousins. |
Andrea demonstrates how to use the stethoscope she got Juniper for her birthday |
Linden being a monkey with his aunt Faye |
Playing with uncle Dinesh |
Juniper had the task of passing out Ferrero Rochers in return for signing the guest book. She took her job VERY seriously. |
A group pic of all the family left at the end of the evening. |
We also took advantage of hang-outs and relaxing time on the weekend:
Mike, Jamie and me at the Eddy's |
laughing it up with uncle Mike |
Linden sustained only one injury during the course of his many trips up and down this tree |
Hanging with Ethan |
Added bonus: a tent set up in the Eddy's back yard |
Group shot with Mike and Steve |
Awwww... the Eddys |
Sawyer helping mini-Sawyer make a basket |
Juniper meets the newest member of the Eddy household: Tyga (or Taiga) |
Two mornings in a row, Clark took the PJ-clad kids to Tim Hortons for breakfast, and then to the river while the rest of us slept in. |
Nothing like relaxing with a good book in my parents' sunroom |
Perusing some exciting new books from Paul and Linda on the inglenook |
Mary and Juniper harvest some tomatoes |
Linden meets Jane and Mike's little Lillian for the first time |
Whew. That, my friends, was the last few weeks in a nutshell. It is now the last remaining day of the long weekend, and we are about to truly start settling into this new life. Clark begins work in earnest tomorrow, the kids have their first day of school on Thursday, and I will start to prepare for my PhD defense, which has finally been scheduled for the 30th of September. And while there are moments where this all feels a little overwhelming, it just mostly feels.... right. In many respects, we are finally coming home. Apart from Fredericton, Halifax is where Clark and I have spent the longest period of time. Both kids were born here. And it is the East Coast, complete with salty sea breezes, and ocean as far as the eye can see. In other respects, this is a brand new adventure. I suppose one never truly ever comes back
home per se - even if it is in a general region that you know and love. You always make a new home, and a new life. But it is one that feels as though it is going to be very, very good.
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