Monday, April 3, 2017


Jacob Michael Samarasekera!
 We're going to change things up a bit here this week. This post contains none of my pictures, and has no stories about our life here on the East Coast.  Instead, I want to introduce you to my new little nephew, Jacob!  Born exactly a week ago, to my sister Andrea and her husband Dinesh, he is (if I do say so myself) pretty perfect.  Sadly I haven't met him in person (and won't until the summer, likely), but my parents are making up for it by stationing themselves in Vancouver for the next month.

My dad and his new grandson (or grandsons, if you count Geoffrey, who is photobombing in behind)
"What, no pictures of Mary", you ask?  Much to her chagrin, the toll of a crazy amount of international travel and time zones (my parents only just got back from Thailand, then turned around to pop off to Vancouver) and then some good old-fashioned hospital germs,  is that my mom has developed some sort of hacking-cough plague, and has therefore been banned from holding Jacob.  But based on her will power alone,  I assume that will be quickly remedied. 

Brand new parents!
Everyone seems to be doing just great, despite the expected lack of sleep (both doctors, surely Andrea and Dinesh are used to such nonsense!), and we're all beyond excited to have a new little baby in the family.  I have some pretty amazing nieces and nephews already, of course, but Ali - who is the youngest - will turn SIXTEEN this year.  So it was high time for a little baby action.  Especially since I am now far enough away from my own newborn years that I can't even fathom what it would be like to do it all over again.  Thank goodness for siblings who step up to the plate!  Here are a few more pics just so you can all get your adorable baby fix as well.  See you next week!

Father and son
Life is hard on the outside!  Best to sleep it off, at least during the day.  And then fuss all night long.
Looks like Dinesh is a natural.

The happy family.  Though Jacob is looking at his dad with a rather bemused expression.

No caption necessary

1 comment:

CheriPoppins said...

What an adorable little bundle of joy and how exciting for you all. Oh how hard it must be to be here and not be able to hold that sweet new nephew and your poor mom to be there and not be able too, lol. Congrats to everyone and most especially to that sweet bundle who has had the fortune to be born into such a great family full of such amazing people.