Monday, May 26, 2014

Happy Memorial Day!

Backyard checkers
It is Memorial Day here in the States, and this year we are celebrating by going on a hike with some good friends.  So in the interest of packing food and getting our gear together, I will leave you only with a few pictures from our week. It was a good one - filled with activity and sunshine; visiting a wonderful new-to-us Café run by our potter friend Sarah, an action-packed May Fair and a delightful backyard BBQ.  This week Clark is preparing for a conference (he leaves on Friday), and I am preparing for a solo week with the kids. Wish me luck!

Fastidiously glazing Juniper's bisque-ware
The highlight of the May Fair
Serious but enthralled
Trying our hand at the May Pole. Linden was more interested in his lollipop.

Dinosaur and Turtle face off (Juniper sadly had to exchange her tie-dye helmet)
Abracadbra! - outside the Village Café
Everyone step up to the Juniper Show! (in a fancy dress for the season opening of the Village Café)
CORN MONSTER (with scrumptious  BBQ-ed corn).

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