Monday, August 10, 2015

NB: The Finalé

Juniper in a Linden tree (I couldn't resist)
 We are now back at home in Kanata, having weathered the very (VERY) long return ride.  I don't regret our decision to do it in one go, but holy moly, 12 hours on the road is a tough slog.  The one saving grace was that both kids are now easily engrossed by videos for long periods of time.  I am normally not a huge fan of extended periods of screen time, but truly, it made the drive doable.  Plus, the kids basically never get to veg out for as long as they want, so the novelty was enough to keep them interested. Juniper, who is (by my doing), very late to the Frozen obsession, got to watch it something like 7 or 8 times in the course of our two weeks and 24 cumulative hours on the road.  Somehow, she just didn't tire of having it on repeat.  Ah, well.  

There were, however, also other things to occupy their time - every extended pit stop, for instance, meant a new "road trip prize", carefully selected by me from the Dollarstore.  There were also babies to take care of, music to listen to (we had the Rheostatic's "Harmelodia", as well as the Barenaked Ladies' kids album, and a  bunch of Arcade Fire), and some books to read.

Juniper had a lot of mothering to do on the way back, what with two new (to her) "babies" 
Crazy car people!
 Anyway, this post is entitled "NB: The Finalé", so let's get to the pictures from the rest of our New Brunswick vacation, shall we?:

Farm time means a lot of time spent on the St. John river, much to everyone's delight
Liz, Linden, Juniper and Theresa getting towed.  This is Juniper's new favourite activity.
If you're not on the water, you might as well be in it!
Beach bums on treasure island
Grandma and Grandpa with their four grandkids
Snuggling with grandpa on the couch
Our 9th (or almost 17th, depending on how you count it) anniversary (photo compliments of Juniper!)
Riding the trike and trailer down to look for dinosaur bones on the beach
Look what had washed up to shore! (cow, most likely, or pig.  Or maybe T-Rex). More importantly, look at that expression.

Things got real at the wheel of the tractor
Visiting with great-grammy Betty
On a date with Clark.  I do not endorse any part of this photo.
When we got home, Juniper and Linden's bean stalk had not only wound its way to the top of the blind string...
... it had produced some beans!  
And finally, one more wrap-up video.  I've got a backlog of Juniper and Linden . org gems, which I aim to have up next week, so stay tuned!

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