Grandpa and Triceratops look bemused. Linden, on the other hand.... |
I expected to recap this past week with tales that involved some exciting house guests (grandma and grandpa), and some end-of-summer adventures. And I suppose that is, in the end, the story that the photos tell.
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some evening laughs with Grandma |
But it was one of those very strange weeks that just.... I don't know.... floated by in a weird, sick haze. The kids were sniffly, but mostly fine. I was not feeling well at all. But Clark - Clark was bed-ridden for the better part of three days. I haven't seen him that ill in quite some time. So Bill and Barb hightailed it out of here earlier than they had planned, and I sort of muddled through things as best I could. I sure hope we're all getting this out of our system before school starts.
Flying from rock to rock |
my lunch date in her new ultra-hip sparkly cap |
Juniper is 6, going on... oh, I don't know. 16? She is really into arguing for the sake of arguing these days, which is infuriating. She is very fashion-conscious, and tears have been shed when I deem a particular outfit more of a "tunic" rather than a "dress" (thereby necessitating shorts or pants underneath). We have also had some epic battles about not turning her room into a disaster every single day, and staying on task when it is time to clear a path through piles of her clothes, and doll paraphernalia, and tea sets, and teeny tiny pieces of paper that she likes to cut up, and markers and books. You get the idea. I am by no means a stickler for cleanliness, but this level of disorder drives me batty.
Juniper is also planning on becoming a great many things when she grows up. Top of the list right now is artist. Also included, however, are: yoga instructor, doctor, teacher, and mother. And definitely an archeologist, and palaeontologist. And a performer and story writer. Maybe a "house builder" as well, she mused yesterday. Something that will "make her strong".
She is clearly very nervous about starting grade 1, especially French Immersion. She has been waking up most nights with bad dreams (which has not helped the sickness/sleep situation). She is worried about not knowing as much french as the rest of the kids, but this was actually helped greatly when I pointed out that she will probably be the best reader in her class (which is true). I'm sure she'll do just fine, but the lead-up is trying.
I find it hilarious and awesome when, out of the blue, she properly uses phrases such as: "I'm developing a new technique", and "I'm just going to back up so I can gather enough momentum to make it up that steep hill".
This week in particular, she has been very, very focused on improving her monkey bar skills. I have this video from earlier in the week, but since then, she has also mastered the spinning bars as well.
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hanging in the backyard crab-apple tree |
Linden is as much of a whirlwind as ever. He just.... doesn't stop. He doesn't stop moving, or fiddling, or experimenting, or talking, or pushing boundaries. This is at once exhausting, wonderful, and frustrating. It is one of those things that is kind of fascinating and hilarious to watch as a third party, but much more stressful as the parent who is trying to remain in good mental health, and to be responsible for his and others' safety. Just as he is full of energy and exuberance, however, he is also full of love and charm. He is usually willing to give you a big bear hug and a snuggle (for as long as his body lets him stay still), and randomly announces things like "I love ya!" and "I'm lucky to have you - you're my special little mom".
As of this post, Linden wants to be an "airplane flyer (pilot) in a dinosaur costume" when he grows up. His favourite activities are, by far, biking, and creating/make-believing with his various trucks and trains and lego. These activities are always greatly enhanced by dirt and/or sand. He will actually sit still for extraordinary lengths of time when you read him stories. He is also very musical, and loves both playing and listening to music.
He and Juniper are truly best friends, and love to play together. He idolizes his big sister, and is, for the most part, happy to play whatever she suggests. He also loves to "get fancy", just like she does. All this is not to say, however, that it is easy and intervention-free when they play. Sometimes they fight. More often, however, they feed off of each other's energy to the point where I need to separate them before they do damage to themselves and everything around them. Linden is, I believe, pure energy.
He is an excellent eater (other than a few "plants" that he staunchly refuses to ingest), but is physically incapable of consuming a meal without making an impossibly large mess. You'd think this would have improved over the years, but I honestly think it's gotten worse.
Linden will start school next week (!?), and is excited to be a "big kid", including riding a school bus. We actually went to a "school bus safety" session aimed at first-timers this weekend, and we all got to ride a school bus and learn all the important rules. Linden was super into it, and was the first to volunteer when the guy asked for someone to help with a demonstration. He doesn't seem nervous or phased at all, but I don't think it has entirely sunk in that he'll be at a different school than Juniper.
Linden was so excited to play with his new digger (the old one was recalled due to lead) that he woke up, put on a hat, and got to work in his pjs. |
The wrens that frequent our feeder |
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