Monday, August 3, 2015

NB, part 2

The St. John river, along my daily walk
We have now been in New Brunswick for a full week, and we have celebrated Juniper's 6th birthday twice.  That means, as you might imagine, that I have a veritable crap-load of pictures to post.  So, without further ado, I bring you: New Brunswick, part two!

The view from one of my favourite places, just up from my parent's house
1. Family gatherings.  There is never a dull moment when we're home for a visit.  This is, in large part, because there are always so many people to see, most of which are part of our large extended family.

Juniper (literally) looking up to her cousin Ethan
Linden (literally) hanging with cousin Sawyer
We got to see Taylor, and meet Grant! 
We also got to meet Chelsea! 
Pat, Liz, Juniper, and one really big ham
Juniper and Mary
Juniper's attempt at taking a generational shot
Resting after a bit of soccer with Ali
Notice any resemblance? (you should see pictures of Sawyer at Linden's age)
My sister Kelli and her (way too grown-up) family
Juniper was dancing in the background, specifically trying to make the boys laugh.  Jamie remained stoic.
An afternoon with great aunt Evie and great uncle Gerry

 2. Juniper's Fredericton Birthday.  The event of the year happened, folks, and at one point Juniper proclaimed "this is the best party I've ever been to!".  Thank god.

Ruth stopped by or a short little birthday visit before hitting the road for the long drive back to Ottawa!
Here, she is blissfully unaware that Linden has morphed into a monster that is about to devour her whole.
Phew!  Turns out it was a false alarm.
The activities got underway later in the afternoon.  It was a perfect day for lots of water fun, snacks, and some very big bubbles.
I found a slip and slide for the occasion - the very last one at the store!
You can't beat wearing a Frozen party hat and a swimsuit on your birthday!
I think the adults were more mesmerized by the bubbles than the kids
This was clearly the part of the party where clothes were optional
The vanBuskirks joined in on the fun!
One gourmet bird cake, as requested.  It even had some white "eggs" for those who did not want chocolate.
Matt, Lacie and Isa. I think Isa won the prize for most enthusiastic party goer!
It's pretty awesome that we now get to hang with Zack in Fredericton AND in Ottawa! 
Juniper was THRILLED to get her very own violin.
Posing with my brother Paul at his store.  We stopped in to show him what Juniper had chosen to get with the gift certificate they had given her:  she had just enough money on it to buy a unicorn for her and a horse for Linden.  How cute is that?
3.  The farm! There are always a huge amount of photos taken at the Richards farm every year - it is both one of the most beautiful and fun places in the whole world, I reckon. Also, Juniper had a second birthday there.

The first thing Linden wanted to do when we got there was, of course, drive the tractor.
 Helping to load the hay onto the elevator, in four parts:

1. Pose on top of hay
2. Try very hard (but unsuccessfully) to lift the bale on your own
3. Admit that perhaps you need some help
4. Carry it over to the elevator.

How to successfully execute a photo shoot on a pile of wood:

1. Run enthusiastically over to the pile
2. Instead of waiting for help, climb the rickety pile all by yourself
3. Do your best "silly" face when your mother asks you to smile 
4. Get down to business
5. Decide the shoot isn't done, and therefore climb up the other side.
6. Let your inner model flow. Chose some particularly creative poses
7. End the shoot by reminding everyone how cute you are.

 The story of a magical walk in the woods:

Juniper finds a basket with which to collect forest treasures
The kids race each other up the lane.  Juniper loses a race, and develops a terrible case of "bad attitude".  I call her a sore loser.  Emotions run high.
We make it to the woods.  Theresa tries to cure Juniper's bad attitude, but it has unfortunately settled in deeply.
Juniper abandons the woods walk, and stalks off back to the farm on her own in a huff.
The rest of us carry on, undeterred.
Theresa and Linden forage in the ferns... 
... and walk through the now completely overgrown path.  Some of the ferns were taller than Linden!
He therefore needed a bit of a lift sometimes... 
... and took a quick nap on a particularly soft patch of moss
Past the ferns, and into the grasses
Trying to find some golden thread
And finally, some more random farm shots:

Everyone got a wee bit burned, but it was worth it!
Linden, Mary and a feather
Excited for birthday #2!
A close-up of the birthday girl and her custom-made crown

Since Linden is never at the farm for his birthday, he got a cake as well!
Figuring out a puzzle with uncle Brad

Group shot in the field
Silly group shot!  Clearly the grandmas have to up their game.
Liz and Linden share a laugh

And finally, here is a little video compilation of a few New Brunswick shenanigans.  See you next week for the final NB instalment!

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